
Markets price in the future. The big dip we just saw was the market pricing in the risk of things not going to plan around SegWit. With today's news, that proved to be way too conservative, so price has come back up to where it was. This is the market price for where we are now.

Only thing that will drop it back down will be if Bitcoin actually does split. Which is looking less and less likely hence the price.

In this very moment, BTC's price is like a dog, waiting for us to throw the ball, keyed up like a spring that would like to burst. A split could mean to deny to throw the ball.

Haha, well when you put it like that! :D

Worst case. I hope that we won't see that one. The unhappy dog.

ahaha nice analogy

True, the next big day is 1 august and then november the real fud.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 64956.33
ETH 3456.79
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.55