How Low Will Bitcoin (BTC) Crash Down?! - Crypto Market Technical Analysis & Cryptocurrency News

in #bitcoin6 years ago

HELLO STEEMIANS............Oh what is going on ladies and gentlemen

crypto Kirby here your cryptocurrency

expert back with another edition of the

daily livestream what is going on my

friends today I'd like to discuss

Bitcoin and the candle that we did have

late last night there it is ladies and

gentlemen we've been waiting for it

anybody with more than a peanut for a

brain would have known that this big

move was coming if you are subscribed to

this channel there was no reason to get

caught like a deer in the headlights in

fact it was an incredibly prosperous

time and candle here in this market as I

did plan strategize and capitalize on

this market movement I would like to

review my trade and more importantly I

would like to discuss my strategy here

with the current Bitcoin price action

how low will this go or are we looking

to bounce up and potentially be in the

area where Long's could be profitable so

all of this and more on today's stream

guys so you already know the deal if you

like these daily crypto videos and

nightly live streams smack that thumbs

up button click the subscribe tick the

little bell and let's get this crypto

moon the likes ladies and gentlemen moon

them up alright

so we'll begin with our Bitcoin

technical analysis now obviously guys we

did get a break out of the equilibrium

more importantly we did break the the

lower the excuse me he'd be higher low

trajectory getting tongue-tied here now

this was the extension line the trend

line of the higher low trajectory that

we had built all through up this mini

uptrend since the capitulation leg down

from 7400 now obviously guys it's quite

clear that we broke through this line we

wiped out all of the higher low

sentiment there all of the bullish

sentiment on this immediate Run has been

wiped ladies and gentlemen there is

nothing more to say than that

this candle came in we saw extreme

volume this took out all of the

prior progress made on this upward trend

and as I have outlined for you guys here

on the stream every single day this is

what happens as a result of low volume

when the volume is low and inconsistent

it allows for one giant volume spike to

come in here and essentially erase all

of the prior momentum and progress in

the trend it should be no surprise to

you guys if you are subscribed here I

was prepared for either direction if

this was to break but the factors that

we saw here guys double top rejection

followed by a lower high followed by

another lower high into a tightening

triangle range here that we saw really

squeezing to the tip yesterday and it

needed to break of course guys shout out

to my VIPs I did post my trade that I

took yesterday I had laddered shorts

there at 64 35 63 85 and 62 99 as you

could see there that was what I posted

prior to the dump yesterday and we can

all see how that played out there the

timing was was rather fantastic to be

honest this was where I charted that it

was on the coin based chart and what

wound up happening with this trade for

me guys as I did get in all of my shorts

through that price area there I will

outline it for you guys here I shorted

all throughout this range and what I

wound up doing is taking a profit down

here in this area and the reason for

that is that what happens on a

capitulation guys is that when there is

a massive volume spike like what we saw

there right what tends to happen is that

the trend gets exhausted the sellers can

get exhausted we jumped in on the


timeframe to extremely oversold RSI

conditions even the MACD really looks

overextended at this point that it could

be due for a curl to the upside so what

I did was I went up getting in my short

at 64 35 right guys now that is quite a


when we did dump down all the way to 60

30 very very large move there especially

with leverage again shout out to my VIPs

I keep you guys updated in real-time

with every single trade I make what a

night what a night there was no reason

to be going erect city ladies and

gentlemen with average Joe and dreams at

the water cooler only pop coin Patrick

got rekt in this market last night

ladies and gentlemen

savages rejoice this was an incredibly

prosperous prosperous trade here and for

those that may be missed it for those

that maybe got wrecked you must be aware

that this is only the beginning this is

not anywhere near the end of the

volatility that I believe is coming in

this market and what I'm saying by that

is if we zoom out here let's go to the

one day chart if we do take a zoom out

here we've broke that higher low

trajectory we are now flush back into

the lower channel and I believe

ultimately ladies and gentlemen that

this area is going to get extremely more

volatile than it has in the past why you

may ask is because now I see this green

line here I'll draw some you see this

line here this is a parabolic extension

line that I have had drawn on my chart

for months ladies and gentlemen stemming

back all the way to March 2017 and this

is really where the parabolic action

started to pick up for Bitcoin I have

this trend line extended all the way out

to where we are now in October 2018 we

are now flirting with the parabolic

extension here we've broken the higher

low trajectory trendline and now we are

potentially looking to break the

parabolic extension line

sheesh ladies and gentlemen if we drop

below this line you best believe that

the volatility is going to pick up

momentum here it's time to put that

battle helmet on it's time to get

serious if you have been missing out on

these plays

or you've been getting rekt taking that

walk down liquidation Boulevard with ETF

Eric and pop coin Patrick you must be

aware that this is only going to

continue to get more and more aggressive

for those that are diligent for those

that are ready to get this crypto this

trend is going to get extremely

potentially profitable over and over and

over again I do not see the volatility

loosening up at any point here in the

immediate future in fact I see it

getting more and more aggressive as this

trend rolls along and of course like I

said I am trading this market extremely

extremely aggressively like yesterday I

was prepared on the way down with my

shorts later'd from 6435 down the 60 to


that was my aggressive short play if we

did break up to the upside of course I

did post my strategy for my VIPs as well

for what I was looking to do to the

upside if you fail to plan then your

plan is to fail let me say that again

guys that really burns in your brain if

you fail to plan then your plan is to

fail and failure is not an option in

this market right now if you have been

failing in this market there's something

intrinsically wrong with your strategy

and it's time to bring your game up to

the next level because there is no

reason right now that we cannot be

identifying the trends here based off

the technical analysis playing this

market like a fiddle and getting this

savage crypto ladies and gentlemen if

you are just tuning in now don't forget

to moon up the likes moon them up smash

those thumbs click the subscribe button

take the little bell let's get this

crypto Satoshi needed a new pair of

shoes and he got him last night ladies

and gentlemen the finger of Satoshi

clicked the magic button and rained the

red candle of doom down upon this market

what we saw though what we saw is that

the confidence here with this uptrend

has been has been shattered in my

opinion it's been shattered

and this is also spilling over guys from

the S&P 500 continuing to take a savage

decline today potentially looking

tomorrow even if not tomorrow

potentially by sometime next week to

test my low target of the prior support

at 2700 this is a huge drop in the US

stock market coming from highs of 2943

this is definitely having an effect on

the market here ladies and gentlemen

yesterday I was pointing out that gold

is probably going to catch a bid if the

stock market continues to decline here

we are ladies and gentlemen an engulfing

bullish candle on the daily timeframe

for gold spiking yesterday from 1193 now

today up to 1225

let's get these metals what I see ladies

and gentlemen is that right now there is

a systemic shift going on in these

markets of course Bitcoin and the other

plethora of crypto currencies that are

being traded throughout this market are

nothing more than speculative

technological vehicles if gold is

catching a bid and crypto continues to

dump it's a very it's a paradigm that

not many people want to believe right

many of the crypto faithful the this the

Satoshi saviors right they want to

believe that the stock market crashes

and that crypto goes to the moon

here it is Kirby we're going to the moon

I just don't see it right now ladies and

gentlemen as evident by today's trend I

was getting roasted ladies and gentlemen

last night the trolls I did my stream on

the stock market I said look guys if

crypto is not catching a bid right now

with the stock market dumping I don't

believe that it's going to catch one and

trust me they wanted to roast me Oh

Kirby well it's just too quick Kirby

it's just too quick you you gotta let it

settle in Kirby you gotta let it settle

in really James

really Joe so gold had to wait for it to

settle in gold had to wait for

everything to pan out Kirby I'm just a

realist here ladies and gentlemen

I do not fluff my viewers up with

garbaggio fluff and puff marshmallows

toasting them over a campfire waiting

for the unicorn to float above my head

through the air and satoshi to bring me

up to the moon

I'll let poop coin Patrick howl with his

pack of Krypto wolves at the moon like a

coyote waiting for his time to shine and

then get rekt by the candle of doom that

satoshi rains down upon us there is no

excuse here ladies and gentlemen I do

not understand why right now so many

people are still getting rekt inside

this market patience patience patience

patience is what has paid off here in

this trend you guys know and I'm so

happy for all of you especially shoutout

to my VIPs the patience that was

demanded inside this equilibrium while

we awaited for this breakout to occur

was not something that's very easy for

people that want to trade too much a lot

of of newer traders guys they they over

trade right and they just want to trade

like a video game they get off work they

want to trade they're bored they want to

trade oh maybe I'll watch some TV

tonight or I'll stick in a trade you

know that's the mentality and those type

of people trade when there is no trade

to be had and as it is quite obvious

here on the one-day chart ladies and

gentlemen there was no trade to be had

until this triangle had a nice break out

of the equilibrium and like I said guys

when we see this type of action it makes

up for all of these days here if there's

no trade to

we had in the prior week didn't there's

no train to be made because all the

profit is made in the one flush move

down and that is how full-time traders

savages that play this market like a

spit signed trombone that is how they

get this crypto ladies and gentlemen

this is how the savages are separated

from the amateurs this is how these

markets are crushed on a long-term

consistent basis by those who know how

to play this game shout out to everybody

that has been subscribed to your and

following along with the streams you

would know that this is what we've been

covering here you would know that this

was an area that I know moonboy

Montgomery and his hot l-train homies

got absolutely destroyed so I am giving

you guys all the golf claps this weekend

ladies and gentlemen because this was a

sustained area of equilibrium that wound

up breaking to the downside and patience

paid off because if you did not FOMO in

in a zone that was not sustainable for

trading you wound up taking the

high-probability high-reward low-risk

trade with a break to the downside and

you got this crypto ladies and gentlemen

if you are just tuning in now don't

forget to moon up the likes moon them up

smash those thumbs click the subscribe

button take the little bell let's get

this crypto again guys I do see that

this range right now is going to get

even more volatile volume may pick up

from here it may we have seen a three

day increase now if volume can sustain

like I said again this parabolic

extension is is being flirted with and

if that breaks the Powder Keg may

explode once again and right now guys I

am looking to get even more aggressive

with my trades and I have been

in the past month so shout-out to my

VIPs I will be keeping you updated in

real-time let's get this crypto now over

to some news here guys what we see is

that BitFenix actually right now there's

been some fudge some fear uncertainty

and doubt surrounding the BitFenix

exchange tether a banking problem and

now basically they have a Fiat deposit

problem there is a halt there so they

said that they expect it to resume

within a week but it is just an

interesting thing we got going on here

so the BitFenix exchange obviously that

is what I'm charting here guys I was

trading off of the coin based chart for

my trade yesterday that I outlined for

you guys here that was on the coin based

chart but I do have most of my chart

drawn here on the BitFenix exchange

which along with other tether exchanges

is trading at a slight premium right now

you know basically between 50 and $100

USD higher than some spot fiat exchanges

so I do believe that a lot of this is

off of this FUD that we are experiencing

here between BitFenix and tether we'll

have to see how it shakes out I just

wanted to put it on your guys's radar

that that is what's happening with them

right now so if you see anything there

you know that is what's going on I do

expect that within a week everything

will be back to normal I think a lot of

retail you know social media traders

they love to blow things out of

proportion as it does feed into their

entertainment side of the everything

here right so um guys being said really

where do I think this could go down to

as you know what is the low here that I

could see potentially guys I have this

range outlined for us right down here I

believe that we could be looking to

either bounce off this bottom channel at

6000 flat would not be out of the

ordinary to find a a little bounce here

and potentially create another high or

low maybe getting rejected at the 6400

level that has been a prior support that

could turn into a new resistance

or I believe that we will plunge down

below 6700 and look to find a support

down between fifty eight hundred and

fifty seven hundred but ultimately guys

I wouldn't put it past the Bulls to give

us one last attempt here to either

bounce off this line here create the

next lower high around 6400 or bounce

down into this bottom channel rise up

and create the next higher low at 6400

does not have to happen obviously this

trend will continue to develop and I

will be analyzing it every second of

every day keeping my VIPs updated to the

minute and I will be taking aggressive

positions here there's no reason to be

getting rekt ladies and gentlemen this

is not about surviving a bear market

it's about thriving in this bear market

I've been crushing it many full time

traders that I am in contact with on a

daily basis have been crushing it this

is the most prosperous time in this

market right now and I believe that this

is only just the beginning so guys if

you could one last time moon up the

likes moon them up smash those thumbs

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62907.73
ETH 2531.30
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.62