7/18/17 Bitcoin tracker GBTC new short entry here in my "mythical" $1000 trading account

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I will start a new blog on my bitcoin trades via bitcoin tracker GBTC. I closed out 1 share short earlier with a small gain of $23...bringing my total banked gains to $153.00. I will reshort that 1 share here at 373.00 altho a move thru 375.00 would be preferable. The closest low end target is yesterday's 346.00 low. I am also still holding the otehr share short from 408.00.


The "actual" bitcoin price is currently 2345.00..."live" on the bitcoin ticker.



Best of luck

Thanks...but do I look skeeerd? >>> :O

bitcoin currently $2829 Any cheap websites to buy Bitcoin with BlueBird or Paypal besideS Paxful?

Sorry, I'm totally in teh dark about the logistics of buying bitcoin or any other crypto. But if you search the crypto topic tag here at steemit I'm sure someone will have already provided the answer to your questions in a past blog.

7/31/17 update: This is a pretty dumb move here but I will bank the 1 share of GBTC I shorted at 408.00 here at 405 market for $3 added to my banked gains. That now stands at $162.00. GBTC is in a moderately oversold condition. I will sit on a limit to short 1 share at 430.00...spot dead on.


8/1/17 Update: Limit to short 1 share still open at $430.00 for today. Already "slightly" overbot here at $425 so I'm wreckin it'll pull back just a tad first.

8/15/17 update: GBTC just traded to a new n improved n looower high of 721.00 that I would "prefer" to see get taken out before it moves much lower...only because I doubt it can move substantially lower before 721.00 gets taken out. :-)

8/18/17 update: I love this high GBTC just set yesterday >>> 777...spot dead on. You feelin "lucky" punk? Well...are ya?!!! :-) I still have it as a short term confirmed top and I still say a wave of selling in bitcoin that "shocks!" is coming...taking GBTC to sub $400 for sure...what price would "actual" bitcoin be selling for if GBTC is at say $350, @cantfightthefed? Don't even bother trying to figger it out... I'll show ya. :-)


8/23/17 update: Yesterday, Mon 8/22/17 GBTC set a lower high that would need to be breached in order to say that all short term highs have been confirmed. That lower high is $720.00 ...spot dead on. Not even going to "guess" whether or not they go up to retest the 52 week high again. I still say >>> No! :-)

9/20/17 update: I haven't updated my GBTC bitcoin tracker in a bit since it has been so volatile. The "lower lows" ($481) and lower highs ($759) have been pretty "obvious" since the all time high of 1064.95 was set however. A move through $759 would "likely" prove deadly to GBTC tho. Even if it doesn't trade thru there the prospects short term really aren't that good. Now at 723.90...don't do it bitcoin loonies...it'll be much better for you if you just panic! :O


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