Why Governments can not stop Bitcoin and will be forced to accept it

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Governments can not stop Bitcoin. All global Fiat currencies are on their way down. Fiat currencies always reach their true intrinsic value which is zero. The U.S. Congress would love to outlaw crypto currencies. We hear, about every three weeks, some knucklehead trying to develop legislation to limit or ban crypto's. This is laughable.

First of all, this shows a great misunderstanding of the new FinTech industry by so called "law makers". They do not understand the nature and design of the block chain. You can not ban software. As long as there is some type of an internet than the block chain technology can not be stopped. If the internet goes down long term, we will have greater problems than Bitcoin to worry about or any other monetary system for that matter. The world has become so dependent on the internet that if it goes down for more than two weeks the Global system will be in total chaos. Once we have reached 3% of crypto currency adoption, it will be a permanent game over for central banks and their Fiat currencies. Most people still think that at least 51% need to adopt crypto to be effective. This however is not correct, the number is only a 3% threshold. Once we reach 3%, mathematics takes over.

As the dollar falls in potency, the criminal governments and politicians will not be able to maintain their corruption. It takes lots of money to bribe, blackmail and cheat a society. For decades they have been able to get away with their crimes by printing money and spending it on their dirty deeds. Soon the dollar will lose global confidence. Then their sins will be layed bare, because they will not be able to finance their cover ups.

The speed and efficiency of Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Z Cash and many others can not be ignored. Generations living today hardly carry cash anymore (I still do). Everyone is conditioned to swipe a card or Wave and Pay with their phone. We will not go back to having a pocket full of silver or gold coins to conduct commerce. The Star Trek, Star Wars way of future commerce will be with digital credits/ crypto's. Crypto currencies use rare mathematics sequences of number to create value. A history of these numbers and their transactions can not be forged or counterfeited. This gives great value because it is honest and transparent. In time, this concept will be understood and gain traction.

Bitcoin and other crypto's will be used internationally to settle trade. It will be fast, secure and honest. No "audits" of a nation's gold/silver holdings will be required. Nations will not be able to print Bitcoins out of thin air. They will have to be mined or purchased just like the rest of us have to do. As soon as governments finally figure out the necessity of the block chain (some already have), the value of crypto currencies will explode. Sure, they may come up with their own crypto currencies but Bitcoin, Litecoin, Z Cash, Ethereum, Monero and others already have the confidence of the global community. This is a huge head start that Governments will not be able to catch up with.


One of those nagging questions that bother me, why doesn't the US Treasury or IMF/World Bank just buy up every last Bitcoin on the market, while it's still relatively cheep?

3% adoption is all that is needed to begin the demise of the dollar? Sounds like that will be accomplished within a short span.

Yes it is a short span away to reach the 3%. I have the answer on the other question but I am saving that for another article that will be Earth shattering. Stay tuned.

Hope I'm not going to spoil your next article but IMHO they don't buy up all of the coin to prevent it from killing their fiats because there are many cryptos out there. If they take that strategy they have to buy all of them up. Only one of them has to get through to kill the fiats. With the ease that cryptos are created, buying ALL of them up would get very expensive very fast.

They sure cant put the genie back in the bottle.

I bet half of congress owns Bitcoin, we're safe.

Some do own BTC. Others are still stuck in thinking in terms of their wealth in U.S. Dollars

Retailers should love cryptos because they don't have to pay a 3% processing fee like they do for debit cards.

Exactly. It gets ride of the parasitic middle man

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