Which Has Helped Mankind... Bitcoin/Blockchain or Central Banks/Wall Street?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Central Banks have been in existence for more than 300 years. Central Banks were established to help Governments extend their financial power. One of the first central banks was Sveriges Riksbank of Sweden in 1668. In 1694 the Bank of England gained great authority because they loaned the crown money for the French war. In return, the bank gained the right to issue banknotes. From this point forward it was game over. The banksters became more powerful than Governments.

It is widely known, that none of the World Wars could have been fought without the invention of Central Banks and the printing of Fiat currency (money printed and not backed by a precious metal). Yes, over 200,000,000 million deaths can be credited to Central Banks who financed the killings. How about their partner Wall Street?

Wall Street got its start in 1711, as New York's Common Council first official slave market overseeing the rental and sale of Indians and Africans. Since its inception, Wall Street has been accused of hundreds if not thousands of financial crimes with fewer than 1% convictions. Why does Wall Street get away with so many "white collar" crimes? Ask Jamie Dimon, Richard Fuld, Jimmy Cayne, Stan O’Neal, Chuck Prince and others, they may know. Perhaps Wall Street has the best lawyers who all bat 1000 (never loosing a case). I think you are getting the picture.

I think it is safe to say, that Central Banks and Wall Street have given us wars, economic serfdom, hyper inflation and outsourcing of our jobs. Now let us take a look at Bitcoin and the blockchain.

Bitcoin came on the scene in 2009 with the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper. The paper discusses digital assets, digital currency, the blockchain, public ledger and peer to peer transactions. Bitcoin is a digital asset with a multiple of features. The blockchain is a public ledger that is decentralized and open to the global community. Both Bitcoin and the blockchain are a gift to the global population. No Government or Bank owns or controls them.

Bitcoin is honest money and fits all of the definitions of sound money. The blockchain will revolutionize how the world functions in the future. The blockchain helps to cut out the parasitic middleman and allows for fast, accurate and secure peer to peer transactions. Since 2009, Bitcoin and the blockchain have created millions of new jobs. Every month new companies, jobs and entrepreneurs are being born. The new Fin Tech revolution, is breathing life and excitement into the global community. Hope, excitement and wealth is in the air. It has been a long time since something like this has come along.

Bitcoin and the blockchain are threatening the old oppressive regime. The elite have controlled mankind for centuries. The new Fin Tech industry is turning their system up on its head. Bitcoin and the blockchain (along with the hundreds of alt coins) are for the first time, creating a level playing field. The greatest transfer of wealth in human history has already begun. The cost of entry is very low. Virtually anyone can participate in this burgeoning Fin Tech industry.

So in conclusion. Banks and Wall Street has provided wealth and power for the few. They have caused crimes against humanity and great suffering. Bitcoin and the blockchain brings prosperity, fairness, jobs, wealth, freedom and hope. This is something that has been missing for centuries. Take advantage of this chance of a lifetime and participate in cryptos and the blockchain. Embrace the coming changes and study up on this new technology. You will not regret the time and energy you spend on your education.

2018 will be a great year for crypto much like 2017 was. It is not too late to get involved, in fact, now is a perfect time to get started. Read, listen and study all that you can about Bitcoin, alt coins and the blockchain. The information is free and easily available on the internet. Do not be a victim of the old serfdom system anymore. Break the chains of bondage and experience the freedom and excitement that we call Bitcoin, alts and the blockchain.

image from: herestheupshot.com
reference article: https://www.economist.com/news/briefing/21721354-contemporary-criticisms-central-banks-echo-debates-times-past-history-central

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