SegWit 2X is a Trojan Horse to Hijack Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

It looks like SegWit 2X hard fork is an attempt to hijack Bitcoin. SegWit 2X was birthed at the May, 2017 New York Agreement held by Barry Silbert. On the 25th of May, 58 companies located in 22 countries signed the SegWit 2X agreement. These companies represented 83.28% of hashing power, 5.1 billion USD monthly on chain transaction volume and 20.5 million bitcoin wallets. This signing was to help stop a long span of debate and struggling with regards to Bitcoin scaling issues.

The problems with this "New York Agreement" are many. Reason 1. Is that Bitcoin is supposed to be decentralized. There should be no one person or group who can vote and decide the fate of Bitcoin. 2. These were closed door meetings (nothing ever good comes out of close door meetings). 3. The meetings were corporate interest, no "little guy" or Joe citizen user was included in these meetings. 4. The entire concept of this meeting goes against the ethos of what Bitcoin represents.

The SegWit 2X is an attempt to hijack Bitcoin and centralize the block chain currency. This will be rejected by the Bitcoin community. The true Core Developers are not in favor of this SegWit 2X Hard Fork coming later this month of November. Many believe that the developers and supporters of the SegWit2X have been reckless in their support and implementation of the solution. Plus, there is a huge problem of lack of replay protection, an often cited, hot button issue regarding the upcoming fork.

Bitcoin has become a store of value. It's current trend and projection is to become a "Digital Gold". Not many want to transact in Bitcoin since they see it's value rise every 30 days. The rise in value of Bitcoin will continue well past $1 Million Dollars per coin. With an asset like this, you will not be buying your favorite coffee using Bitcoin. Litecoin is the number one choice for daily usage of a crypto currency. Litecoin is fast, cheap and has many advance features that lend itself for global adoption of daily usage.

As Bitcoin becomes more valuable, the world will try even harder to coop it. Mankind has always had the problem of having a thirst for power, money and control. Why, I do not know. Perhaps people are sick mentally, have ego issues or are psychopaths. Bitcoin is way too tempting for people to let it be as designed, a decentralized, honest money/store of value for the people.

What can we do? For one, we can be vocal and show that we support the original Bitcoin core developers. Another thing we can do, is not support SegWit2X. Just do not use it, mine it, run it's nodes or speak positive about it. The greatest aspect of any crypto currency is it's Network Effect. If the majority of people do not want or like it, it will die on the vine. The Bitcoin Global Community needs to be vigilant in protecting one of the greatest modern day gifts we have that can liberate us from the tyranny of the global Banksters.

image from:
references: Bitsonline October 12, 2017 by Trevor Hill, Digital Currency Group May 23, 2017


It will be a pity if the cryptocurrency market gets diluted with too many players. Viva Bitcoin!

All of these forks are disturbing

thank you for the warning.
i personally prefer litecoin over bitcoin

I am a huge Litecoin supporter myself.

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