Scratch off ticket or Litecoin? Which is better?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I heard an interesting story yesterday. An older man working on a vending machine told a story about his neighbor. He said she spends, on average, $180.00 every two weeks on six $30.00 lottery scratch off tickets. She hardly wins anything he said. In the last two months she has won nothing. The most she has won was $250.00 which she turned right around and bought more.

Well, it had seemed to me that perhaps by now she was addicted to the rush of possibly winning big (in this case top prize of $250,000.00). States love scratch off tickets because it is really, what they call, a voluntary tax. Yes, the revenue the States draw in from the lottery is amazing. Of course, the average lottery participant is almost always of a lower income bracket and living from paycheck to paycheck. The government does not care however, they need that gambling revenue desperately, whether it is harming the lower income or not.

Now comes

Crypto currencies for the next 8+ years are a guaranteed winner for the most part. If you invest in Tier 1 coins, over time, you will have gains/profits. I chose Litecoin (LTC) for a perfect example in this story. Up until one week ago, LTC was valued around $27.00, about the cost of the scratch off lottery ticket this woman buys regularly. If she would have bought a LTC coin, lets say over the past 6 months, she would have doubled her money. LTC was as low as $17.00 six months ago and as high as $50.00 yesterday. She was guaranteed to win these past 6 months. She would have invested $2160.00 in LTC and have a worth of $4980.00 today.

Yes, she would have $4980.00 today versus $0 dollars that she has now. People need to wake up and educate themselves. One of the greatest financial opportunities is right in front of us. Without needing expensive investment advisors/brokers, a bank or government regulations we can participate in crypto currencies for free. Setting up an account to buy and sell crypto currencies are free. There are many wallets that are free to store your coins/tokens. The only cost to get involved is your time spent learning and your original investment ($20.00 or $200,000.00 or whatever).

Get the guaranteed winner. It is called crypto currency and put that quarter you used to scratch off the lottery ticket back in your pocket!


Perfect comparation. if more people look at it as a gambling with win rate absurdly higher than lotery creptocoin will surely grow even faster than it is already growing, it would be like the unic lottery which almost 100% of the betters win!


Hey look, Crypto kitty. LOL What a cute cat. Love it


Thanks for your post. I am inspired by your post. I just brainstorm a cool idea. I have an idea but not sure if people may interest in it. "How can we turn $1 into $10,000". What do you think?

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