How To Become A Crypto Millionaire.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Catchy title isn't it. This article is not meant to be click bait but a real honest look at how it is possible to become a crypto millionaire. One of the first steps is becoming an early adopter. Becoming a crypto millionaire is easiest if you are an early adopter. As an example, I have averaged 1300% returns over the past 2 plus years by being early. As the crypto market matures and becomes more popular, such returns will be hard to realize. So number 1, to become a millionaire, get into cryptos now.

Second, is you need to have money to buy cryptos. I saved money as much as possible, sold personal property such as my car, truck, motor cycle, equipment etc that was not really needed. I bought cryptos that had a strong developing staff, good reputation and solved current needs that we all have. Be determined to put all available spare monies into your crypto investing goal. Never invest what you can not afford to lose. If you over invest, the stress will be unbearable when the market is down.

Third, stick to your investment goal. Never panic sell. The patient become wealthy from those who are impatient. Do not fall into the trap of buying the "current hot coin". If you try to chase the hot coin, you are already too late and will be frustrated. Pick good coins and buy them low, let time be on your side. The market will figure out the valuable coins and come to you by raising the value of the coins you are already holding. For example, many of us know that Litecoin (LTC) is a great coin. The world will wake up to LTC and the value will be 500X in time. Just buy and hold and your investment will be rewarded.

Fourth, read and study all that you can about blockchain technology and cryptos. You can not become a millionaire by being lazy or halfhearted. How will you pick the best future crypto coins if you do not know the details about them? There are many free sources on the internet to discover information on anything related to any crypto that you can imagine. Study, study and study. For example, is Theta, Dent, Stellar, AdEx, Salt, Wax, ReddCoin potential coins that can provide 500X returns? Do they satisfy a niche need that humanity needs? If so, many of these coins are less than a dollar or just above. You could buy hundreds of these tokens for very little money.

Fifth, depending on how much money you have to invest will determine how quickly you could potentially reach your goal. For example, if you have $40,000.00 to $50,000.00 to invest, you could reach $1 million dollars within 2.5 to 3 years. What if you have less than $8,000.00 to invest? Well, you can still reach your goal in perhaps 7 to 9 years. Is that really that long to wait to become a millionaire? No it is not. Be patient. Most people live an entire life span of 70 plus years and never become a millionaire. Taking 9 years and an $8,000.00 investment to become a millionaire is a miracle. This can be done, if you are patient and pick the right 5 to 10 crypto tokens to invest in.

Never before, have we had such an opportunity to become financial independent than we have now. Blockchain technology and crypto currencies/tokens have provided us with a never to be repeated chance of a life time. Now is the time to be on the right side of history and dive into the Fin Tech revolution. This is not a repeat of the 2000 Dot Com bubble that many mention. Blockchain and cryptos are what the internet was back in 1992. Few understood how huge the internet was going to be for mankind back in 1990. Those that had the vision and positioned themselves accordingly did become millionaires, some even billionaires. Blockchain and cryptos are no different. We are in the "1992" of cryptos. Seeing the future of where blockchain and cryptos are going to fit in with society, governments and commerce will enable us to position ourselves to be the next group of millionaires and perhaps billionaires.

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Your strategy reads sound to me. In my humble opinion I would like to add when referencing the development staff that a visible development staff be a criteria. Visible meaning their names, faces and credentials are front and center. What are your thoughts?

Yes, good point. No mystery developers. Transparency and honesty is going to be huge in this crypto community, Look at Bitconnect and the heart ache that group caused.

Exactly.. Too many are in the shadows.. Wanting those of us with cash o throw it their way.
It will all wash out soon.
Agreed this is a wild but exciting time for financial freedom Jet

I agree. Never have I seen such an opportunity to gain from this technology. I am trying very hard to not blow this chance. I study everyday which cryptos will be here to stay and which ones to avoid. Thanks for your comment

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CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d

Always positive. Always good stuff. Always enjoy!

Glad you liked it. I am following my own advice. What ever I write I am also doing. I have not sold one crypto in over 2 plus years since I started purchasing.

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 8587.50USD

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