Greece could purchase 1000 Bitcoin and be free from all debt!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

For a decade now Greece has endured  austerity, bailouts, trade/commerce contraction and bailouts. Greece once again is in need of help in the form of another bailout. This is not good. To get the real scope or pulse of what is going on in Greece, ask the people of Greece. In the streets of Greece the tension is near the boiling point. From housewife to the taxi driver they have had enough. The majority of the population despise the European Central Bank and the non elected bureaucrats in Brussels. The stress on the general population is enormous. Humans can only take so much. Just look at the horrible state Venezuela is in, even though there is a corporate media blackout reporting it. Greece can pull out of their financial mess if their economic development department makes the right move now. Greece could purchase 1000 or more Bitcoin and be financially independent forever.  Yes they can. For a small national investment in Bitcoin, the entire country ,within ten years, could be out of debt. In fact, they may very well end up being one of the top 30 wealthiest nations in existence.

Now is the time to be ahead of the curve. Crypto currencies, block chain and the public ledger is a game changer. Whether you are an individual or a Nation, be an early adopter of crypto currency. If you are an early adopter you will have a chance to be debt free and have true financial freedom that is difficult to achieve under our current centralized FIAT monetary system.   

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