Don't be Dumb and Dumber. Buy Bitcoin!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

One of the funniest movies in recent times was a movie called Dumb and Dumber staring Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey. The movie has funny skits and a simple plot of trying to return a suitcase full of ransom money. The two characters Harry and Lloyd go on a spending spree with the ransom money throughout the movie. At the end of the movie, the money was gone but the suitcase was full of I.O.U.s. The point I am making is, do not fall for a suit case that is full of I.O.U.s.

The government is giving us a suit case of I.O.U.s. We have a junk devalued U.S. Dollar that has lost over 96% of it's purchasing power. The global economy is slowly ditching the Dollar and moving to other means for trade settlements. As I mentioned in previous blogs, China, Russia, Dubai, Malta and other countries are mining Bitcoins.

The tide is turning. The financial future of FinTech, is crypto currencies, using the block chain with a public ledger and utilizing decentralization. Now is the time to become an early adopter of crypto currencies. Trading in the devalued, over inflated, U.S. Dollar for rare, deflationary, crypto currencies is a wise move. The lame stream media is even taking notice of Bitcoin and crypto's. It is hard to ignore 300% to 1000% gains that have been witnessed just in 2017 so far.

Big money is getting into Bitcoin and crypto's as we speak. Institutional investment firms such as Barkley's, Falcon Group of Switzerland and Fidelity are now heavily involved in Bitcoin programs for their customers. Even HBO needs to buy $7.5 Million Dollars of Bitcoin for a ransom demand over hackers getting the scripts of Game of Thrones.

Bitcoin will continue to rise and soon be too expensive to purchase an entire Bitcoin. We will still be able to buy portions of a Bitcoin, but many will wish they had one complete Bitcoin. 21 Million is the lifetime cap with over 16.5 million mined already. Once these are purchased, it will be hard to own any. The demand is high but the supply is limited. This is also why most crypto currencies are deflationary by design. This is just the opposite of our global Fiat currencies that are used today.

Get your Bitcoin now, and in less than 8 years, you can spend your Bitcoin like Harry and Lloyd did in the movie. Only this time you will not need to leave a suitcase full of I.O.U.s.


Bitcoin for a lambo...that would be awesome!

That day is coming. I am positive. I plan on buying one for a BTC

I remember at the end of the movie when they gave the suitcase full of IOUs back and said "this one's is for the Lamborghini, you might want to hold on to that one".

I know. Very Funny. Classic movie. I love the mini Bike scene

I don't think the Chinese will help the bitcoin and rises anymore, I think they're going to shift into a new cryptocurrency called NEO. That could be a big enough market shift to stall the price increase.

Lloyd and Harry made a great investment in that Lamborghini Countach , it's one of the few collector cars from the 80s that is going up in value tremendously. A Ferrari testarossa is another collector car that's going up in value.

True. The Lambo was a good investment!

Yes, I do think they are going to support NEO (antshares)

I believe BTC will continue to rise in value and at some point, maybe when they're are no more to be mined and the existing ones have to be broken down into tiny bits for the masses, unattainable in price for most . With this being said I believe other coins are better such as Lite coin but far less known about than BTC. That just makes them affordable. With this being said anytime is a good time to buy and hold some IMO. Fiat is already flowing over into the crypt realm and most people on the planet can't tell you what crypto is much less BTC. When the markets roll over or your paycheck no longer pays for the basics, wait lots are there now, and the masses figure it out, well, I think we may see a huge boost in crypto's.

Yes. I feel that after February we will reach critical mass. The number of people getting into crypto will be a steady stream globally. Yes, I agree that LTC will become the peoples choice because of it being still affordable.

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