The Evolving Economics of Bitcoin, Gold and Fiat Currencies (

in #bitcoin7 years ago

    An inherent tension exists between the  two major purposes of money.  Currencies that are perceived as great  stores of value, such as gold and bitcoin, make for poor mediums of  exchange.  By contrast, currencies that are effective mediums of  exchange, such as fiat currencies used the world over, can make for  dubious stores of value. Where a currency falls on the store of value  versus medium of exchange spectrum influences its usefulness as a unit  of account and a standard of deferred payment.      

Supply Scarcity and Stores of Value

     As stores of value, many investors perceive gold and, more  recently, bitcoin as second to none.  Since 1971, gold has appreciated  from $35 per ounce to around $1,300 at the time of this writing, a gain  of over 3,500%.  Bitcoins have done even better.  On July 19, 2010, a  bitcoin was worth $0.08.  At the time of this writing, it’s priced close  to $5,300 per bitcoin, a gain of over 6,000,000% in seven years.  Not  bad!   Read more...

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