Why Gold could exceed $5,000 per ounce, Silver could exceed $100 per ounce and Bitcoin could exceed $10,000

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Current price of gold - About $1275 per ounce (HIGHEST PRICE was about $1900 in September 2011)

Current price of silver - About $16.70 per ounce (HIGHEST PRICE was about $45 in April 2011)

Current price of Bitcoin - About $4,000 per BTC (HIGHEST PRICE was over $4,400 in the past 48 hours)

Based on stats, charts and reports I've seen over the past few years, there are TRILLIONS of dollars invested in Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds. Much of this invested money is in paper or digital assets.

In comparison, gold, silver and cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, make up a very small fraction of total investments.

Currently we are in an "Everything Bubble." Bubbles in real estate prices, stocks and debt. And now, there is an emerging disaster brewing in pension plans across the country. And savers have been suffering with near-zero interest on their savings for the last 10 years.

Since the United States removed us from the gold standard in 1971, trillions of dollars have been created out of thin air, and much of this conjured-up money has been pumped into stocks and real estate asset purchases.

All of this "phony money" pumped into the financial system, like so much hot air in a balloon, is propping up high stock prices and other asset valuations.

The value of the Dollar is at risk, as the oil industry is in turmoil - oil companies going deeper in debt and other countries wanting to exit the "Petro Dollar" system, which seems to be leading to sell-offs of US Treasuries, which could come back to America, potentially leading to hyperinflation.

Considering the ongoing failing bank disasters happening right now in Greece, Spain and Italy, and potential GIGANTIC problems brewing at Deutsche Bank, and global derivative risk of reported "nominal" valuations in the $1-Quadrillion-PLUS range, some people are beginning to worry about the stability of the entire financial system.

As worry and realization begins to set in, of a possibly-imminent economic crisis or collapse, some are "hedging their bets," by moving some percentage of their wealth into gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, art and collectibles.

A relatively small-percentage move away from real estate, stocks and bonds into Gold, Silver and Cryptos could create a frenzy of escape, in which gold and silver prices soar, along with cryptocurrencies, art, collectibles and maybe even fine wine!

Since our decoupling of gold-to-currency in 1971, the printing of currency has gone totally bonkers.

The printing of TRILLIONS of Dollars, out of thin air, makes all of the currency worth less and less, until one day it is worthless.

It is estimated by a number of financial experts and analysts... if gold is going to be used to back our currency, again, gold would need to be re-priced (or reset) to something in the range of $5,000 to $10,000 - or HIGHER!

And because silver is used in so many things, including computers, solar panels, electronics, pharmaceuticals, in addition to being a monetary asset, the demand could be extreme, and some believe silver will be a better investment than gold. That seems to make sense, if you consider the answer to the question: Can silver quadruple in value before gold quadruples in value?

In other words, with gold, currently at $1275 and silver, currently at $16.70... is it more likely to see $67 silver or $5100 gold? Actually, that may not be so easy to answer, at this time.

If you believe that silver and gold prices are manipulated (at excessively-low levels / not too much above production cost), and you see the skyrocketing prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, not manipulated by governments and central banks, then you might begin to see the potential skyrocketing of gold and silver prices, if and when the manipulation ends and true price discovery rules the day.

While some cryptocurrencies might be a good "gamble," silver and gold could be a safer bet.


We are likely entering the biggest financial transformation in the history of the world. The changes we will soon see are not perfectly clear or fully understood yet. However, you should carefully study the situation, consider how you may be affected and decide, for yourself, what preparations to take, if any.

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