Are your STEEM coins Safe? Let's secure them together with Artificial Intelligence (Tomorrow)

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Technology. It has allowed us to greatly improve our lives.

Technology has allowed us to reach the moon, and soon may enable us to go beyond our solar system. It has allowed us to recover from the deadliest diseases, and from the worst natural disasters. It gives us our daily laughs, informs us of events, and lets us interact with distant friends.

The following video from Microsoft properly captures the impact of technology:

This video forgot one line, “technology. It has achieved so much thanks to the internet.”
The Internet

The advent of technology has been a pursuit taken by man for millennia. The advancements in technology have been parallel to our knowledge, and the internet has been a catalyst to expanding the knowledge we possess as a race.
The internet ushered an era of advancement unlike anything before. In just the past decade, the net knowledge we possess doubled, several times. It allows global access of information, making it possible for anyone to learn and pursue his or her dreams; this makes sure that every bit of talent on earth is given an opportunity to shine.

And this progress will keep getting better.
Technology builds into a positive feedback chain and newer advancements make sure that more people can access the internet. Smartphones are becoming cheap enough for almost anyone in the world to be on the internet. We could reach a point where every single person will be on this global network, purveying his or her knowledge to others, making sure the human race can move forward at an even more accelerated pace.

Creating Value Online
The internet has been one of the greatest developments. Naturally, such a resource allows the creation of great value. Most people spend hours on the web every day, and this explains why so many of the world’s major employers offer an online service.

As more businesses and people have placed themselves on the web, an incredible amount of data has started to flow through the internet. At any point, millions of people’s information is flowing through social media engines, browser’s advertisement algorithms, and, of course, government agencies’ monitors.

While the government maybe a nuisance in terms of privacy invasion, there are others on the web with far more sinister intentions. Since the internet has created so much value, there’s opportunity for theft. This time the theft is aimed at data as this is the asset that fuels technological advancement, business decisions, and even improved artificial intelligence.

he Era of Data Breeches
Much of the value created online was connected to all the data that was flowing through the technology companies. The cloud, in particular, made it possible to have huge amounts of data flow from one unit to another with ease. This convenience came at the cost of security and data breeches became a major issue.

Businesses faced serious problems from hackers trying to steal valuable data. Some of the biggest companies in the world, including Target and Yahoo!, faced data breeches in which hackers got access to tens of millions of people’s private and/or financial information. Businesses were a popular target, but hackers could decide to target anyone.

Celebrities had been hacked and then blackmailed else they’d face the release of private information and pictures, politicians had been hacked and faced blackmails, high network individuals were hacked and lost valuable, proprietary data on their businesses or financials. Everyday people were targeted and were often the easiest victims because they did not have the resources to properly protect themselves.

Cyber Security: An Emerging Market
Cyber security is a huge market and this is because both individuals and companies recognize the need to secure their information. There are multiple estimates that this market could cross $200 billion in the coming few years.

As the internet becomes the center of commerce, entertainment—life—the need to go about it securely becomes an increasingly important factor. Cyber security companies are reaping the benefits of this demand but their most prominent focus is to profit, not make people’s digital presence secure.

Centralized Entities are Problematic
Cyber security companies are centralized businesses that want to prioritize their market dominance over cyber security. They are a business.

In the words of Adam Smith, people are motivated by self-interest. The executives at security firms are focused on securing better profits before anything else; they just happen to be reaping them from cyber security.

Keep upgrading.

Most cyber security providers issue licenses that need to be upgraded. The reason for this is that cyber security toolkits and software are intentionally designed to be obsolete with time. This is a product structure that hones in the users on a constant basis.
Moreover, centralized entities hold threat data to themselves. Obviously, they spend so much money on acquiring it so why would they give away this information to their competitors.

Even if they did decide to work together, through rules of game theory, one of them would try to cheat and gain more benefit by attempting to siphon more benefits than would be providing to the other partners. Centralized cyber security firms simply cannot work.

There needs to be a better way of securing ourselves. Luckily, there is.

The Birth of the Blockchain
The blockchain provides many benefits, and one of the most important ones is decentralization. Who would be more interested at securing your internet presence than you? Unlike a company dedicated to profiting from your security, you are dedicated to making yourself secure with whatever efforts possible.

People, as a decentralized network, are the key to securing the internet.

Cloudbric is making this a reality.

A World of Decentralized Security

Cloudbric is cyber security provider that gives users free software to protect them from cybercrime.
While being free may seem the most attractive trait of Cloudbric, the full functionality of what Cloudbric aims to achieve is far more attractive. Cloudbric aims to put people at the heart of cyber security.

Cloudbric’s main security resource is VISION, a security system based on artificial intelligence. Like most AI systems, VISION relies on data—data is expensive and hard to get. However, Cloudbric does not need to buy this data because then the system won’t be free. It also won’t be that good.

Centralzied data entities trying to make tools against cyber threats already exist, and some of them even utilize AI tools. The results have been limited because acquiring data becomes expensive and these companies know that people have a limit on how much they are willing to pay for a security product. Every market player focuses on price competition and so they limit the amount of cyber threat data their AI can build off; they have no choice as otherwise they won’t be price-competitive.

You are Powering VISION
Cloudbric’s goal behind VISION is to make it the best tool by keeping it free. If a powerful security system is free, people are willing to use it, and that means a huge user base is easy to acquire.

This is where Cloudbric begins its journey.

VISION is meant to be powered by a massive network of nodes collecting cyber threat data. This is passively done by Cloudbric’s tools. A user has to simply use Cloudbric’s tools and then go about the internet as he or she would normally, except, the tools are designed to store and index any cyber threat they come across. This makes sure that VISION is constantly getting data on cyber threats and is updating its ability to fight against cybercrime.

VISION and Cloudbrics existing tools are already functional. People can utilize the beta tools through Cloudbric’s website.

The Incentive is More than Security
While it may seem that Cloudbric would feel providing people an AI security system that keeps becoming stronger and better is valuable enough, the ecosystem is designed to reward people with more than just security.

As people go about the internet and come across threats, they will be rewarded with CLB tokens. Thus, there is a constant incentive to prioritize security. Cloudbric rewards people to place their security first. This is why Cloudbric is based on the blockchain.

Through smart contracts, it becomes easy to automate the distribution of tokens at a rapid pace to the collecting threat data. Thus, Cloudbric isn’t using the blockchain just for the hyper factor. Blockchain technology plays an important role in sustaining the growth level Cloudbric needs to swiftly gain market dominance; blockchain plays a critical operational role in growth and ensure utmost efficiency in the innate rewards system built in the Cloudbric ecosystem.

Why Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence is more than just robots that do whatever we want. Most artificial intelligence is a collection of algorithms fulfilling tasks within certain constraints. However, the effectiveness of how accurately these algorithms can fulfill their task is entirely dependent on how much data they’ve acquired.

*Algorithms learn through processing data. Links are made between data sets and this initiates a reactionary mechanism on which threats to nullify and which threats to dodge. The key behind cybersecurity is not what to block, but what not to block. It is easy to make a system that cam block everything, but it is extremely difficult to make a system that only blocks threats.

Through machine learning, VISION can eventually learn exactly what not to block. The nodes (people) can help improve VISION’s functionality by providing higher quality data. This can essentially be done by labeling off non-threats. With a massive network, VISION can eventually have an endless supply of data to recognize what is a threat and what isn’t.

As AI can constantly evolve, it is better than any static software.

The Makers of Cloudbric
Cloudbric started off as a project by Penta Security Systems Inc., a leading provider of cyber security systems. The company has a large roster of customers and its employees have a depth of experience in the cyber security industry.

Some of the most experienced employees from Penta are now creating Cloudbric to take cyber security on to a new path, one that can revolutionize cyber security forever. Given that Penta and its security tools are successful and are already drawing in a revenue, Cloudbric qualifies as a reverse-ICO. The project intends to utilize funds raised from the public not to build a product, but to extend the reach of its successful products.

Industry Recognition
Given that Cloudbric is playing a major role in securing the web, major Crypto funds, institutions, and exchanges are celebrating its development. In fact, they the likes of Tron Foundation and Huobi attended a yacht party that hosted a private fundraiser for Cloudbric. Meanwhile, the team has been hard at work to make valuable partnerships with CoinManager (leading Crypto wallet), Hacken (major cybersecurity firm), ZeroCap (strategic investor), and more.

Of course, Cloudbric is impacting the security industry too. It has already received major cyber security awards and certifications. The team behind Penta Security Systems is now venturing into securing the internet by partnering up with you, me, and everyone else.
Let's join in.

You can read more about Cloudbric here, learn more about its technicals on the whitepaper, and reach out to its team on Telegram.

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