BITCOIN CONFUSION?? - I went to a Bitcoin meetup tonight, and I was disgusted, and happy at the same time.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Let me explain to you what I learned about listening to people during the Bitcoin craze.


If you are new to Bitcoin and cryptocurrency (say less than 6 months old) you will not understand what I am about to write.

If you've been in this for many years, you'll quickly understand the situation, which is a REAL situation. :)

I went to a bitcoin meetup in my area...

  • Q: What area? Tell us?
  • A: You don't need to know. Bitcoin is everywhere. Bitcoin concepts are cross-country and cross-continent... and the area is not pertinent to the story.

OK... and?

As usual, some people were selling... and other people were buying...

What I witnessed became kind of comical.

There was no rhyme or reason to the type of people who were buying or selling.

I'll explain..

The interest in Bitcoin was high. By the look on people's faces, and their genuine concern, you could not tell whether they were a buyer or a seller. Their attitude was the same. They were sincere. They were concerned. I started talking to people.

That's when it became comical.

You had friends, leading friends to the meet. "My friend brought me here" the one guy said. I see. So I turned to the "experienced friend" and asked "how long have you been into Bitcoin?"

"Oh, for a while now. I learned about it at least 6 months ago", he replied.

The majority of traders buying and selling... at least the new ones, have absolutely no experience when it comes to trading. They may know how to make transactions. They may understand public addresses and keys...

...then it happened

One guy goes up to someone, interrupted the conversation and freaked out, and then and says "listen!! I know I just bought $15 dollars worth of Bitcoin, and it is not much. BUT LISTEN it already has 1 confirm. Surely that should be enough?"

..and another person said...

I paid $3 in transaction fees, but my transaction is stuck in mempool and not confirmed, what gives?

...and another person said...

I think Bitcoin is crashing. I might be worth $0 tomorrow. I want to sell now!

...and another person said...

I'm buying Bitcoin cuz I expect it will go back to $19,000 over the next couple of months.

What we have here, is 100% price volatility, lack of understanding of how the current state of the network works, and how crypto works in general.

We've reached that point now, where interest is HIGH. People simply are too excited to do their research and make informed decisions.

If someone is transacting $2500 of Bitcoin, vs someone who just bought $15 of Bitcoin, why do they have the same strange look on their face while they wait for transactions to appear on ?


  • Lack of education
  • Lack of experience
  • Lack of research

So everyone new to Bitcoin is either IN or OUT today. But the majority are still learning how this works.

Now I sold a little Bitcoin today, not because I wanted to, but because I had to... I fully expect mid-January to early February we'll see the price rise past $19,000 in my own personal option - not trading advice

But because I had to...

I also did my transaction with 0.003+ BTC which was worth +$51 USD at the time for transaction fees so I didn't have to sit in that room for 2-3 hours waiting for my first confirm.

...but the reason why I did that, is I understand how the mempool is overloaded and I was trading a bit more than $51 USD and I needed that transaction to be confirmed quickly.

....but the moral of the story is:

  • Lack of education - (I taught myself)
  • Lack of experience - (I've been in this a long time)
  • Lack of research - (I constantly do research every single day) when Bitcoin or cryptocurrency gets more widespread and common place, we won't see comical situations that I saw tonight at that bitcoin meetup.

To be part of the Bitcoin ecosystem you need to learn a little more about the health of the network, past performance, future direction, and not just how to buy and sell pieces of bitcoin before you tell your friends to get involved.

Right now the new general public is completely uninformed about Bitcoin or anything listed on

This is akin to a 4 year old boy who pulls out a fistful of coins and says... Look at all these monies I have in my piggybank without realizing what denomination each coin has, nor its spending power.

It's cute when a 4 year old child pulls out two handfuls of coins and says "look at all my monies".

  • Monies to a 4 year old, means having lots of pretty coins (pennies, dimes and nickles, pounds or pence, or yen ), thinking he's getting rich even if they only add up together to become $1.82 USD

It's comical when an adult, who has the full internet at their fingertips who worries about a $15 bitcoin transaction (the cost of a pizza) and freaks out if his transaction is taking too long to confirm.

  • Comical really?
  • Actually no. SAD really. We need to perfect things a little better.


  • lazlo happily paid 10,000 bitcoin in 2010 for a pizza.
  • If I asked you to send me 10,000 Bitcoin today. What type of pizza would you like? Maybe the 4 year old with "monies" would decide pepperoni or ham and pineapple.

I hope in a year from now, I won't experience this type of Bitcoin meetup again.

HOLD ON FOR A SECOND. You said you were disgusted and HAPPY at the same time!

  • Why were you happy?
  • That's easy. No one knows what the top of bitcoin is going, and it keeps exceeding expectations. The latest mainstream news or mainstream analysts yap about Bitcoin, the latest Government regulations doesn't stop it from being organic and alive. It lives. It has problems, yes. But it continues.... none of us can stop it, limit it, or kill it with rhetoric or opinions. It's the first virtual internet "thing" that beats all odds. Pretty impressive.

I think the main problem is education... and education is only as good as the sources you get "Educated" from.

Experience, being in and invested in the market is the education... you experience everything in cycles, you weather the storms and look for during and explanations after.

In this space, no one has a lot of experience, but 6 months is not even close to the full spectrum of experience.

I got lots of comments. Yours is the most insightful and realistic yet. Thank you for that...

This is so true, and part of the problem is the "mainstream media" starting to switch into hype mode. The ignorance they spew to "average people" is scary, like how on CNBC they talk about bitcoin like it's just another stock. Jump in and buy 1 one, no big deal.

Then you get the panic in people like @intelliguy wrote about - buying $15 worth of bitcoin, not understanding it takes an hour or more to settle, not understanding they will lose most of it in transaction fees.

We have a global information and knowledge network, anything you want to learn about is at your fingertips, and yet people are too lazy to do their own homework.

This is exactly the sort of thing I was imagining as Bitcoin rose to nearly $20k and Coinbase was being inundated with noobs buying all three coins like mad with no idea of how or why.

I heard this same thing from a family member of mine.

"I want to get into crypto too"

So they said they started at the top of the list on and started going down the list in sequential order based on value.

That's hard to do when there are over 1300+ cryptocurrencies listed. So what do they do, they invest in the first 5 or 6 that "seem okay" and that's where they start.

I don't fault them for that... but that's not the real way to do it.

If you look at 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 the top 20 cryptocurrencies today are much different. So if you start at the top of the list and work your way down without understanding pre-mines, ICO's, "selling an idea" without a functional prototype, you can lose a lot of money. :(

But... but! We have a roadmap! A whitepaper! GREAT graphics on a website.

Is that truly what people buy? roadmaps, whitepapers, and great graphics?

(Ahem, apparently they do... for now.... but not long-term. We'll get wiser and smarter.)

I was in btc at $28. But, think what you will. The writing is on the wall. You guys can't see the forest through the trees. I'll hold xrp,salt,sub,and ada. You guys hold your bulk in btc,let's see what happens. Bitcoin was the pioneer,and is simply not as good as the new tech. Have a nice day.

I'm going to give you a caution now. If you keep promoting your favorite coins multiple times in this blog, I'm eventually going to consider it as spam to pump your holdings and start downvoting. Please don't do that. It will turn into a flag war.

Let's consider this a topic about pizza, and bitcoin, and less about xrp,salt, sub, and ada and whatever else you're promoting that you obviously must already own.

I count 5 comments from you already. Please stop using the point of this discussion as a way to use this as a trollbox to promote other coins.

No need to flag friend. Was just saying what I own for the 6 month check in. For the record I'm no bitcoin hater, it has changed my life!! And believe as stated it makes new highs. Just think it's very obvious it's days of market dominance are over. Not spamming, have a nice day.

Reading stories about the usual newcomers experience and interest with bitcoin is quite hilarious. Some have stories of regret, dilemmas and success too.

I know and agree. Just because Bitcoin was invented 2009 and we are entering 2018...

We're still in the beginner stages of this. We'll know what's going to be the end result in about 5 more years from now.

Consider Facebook was only "invented" 2004... Less than 14 years ago. We must give the same timeline for Bitcoin, which means "everyone will have heard of Bitcoin in 2023 -- 14 years after its invention).

We're only entering 2018... still early. :)

Great post! Thanks for sharing your bad and good experiences on bitcoin, well that is life for you, we learn everyday. I follow and upvote.

Well thing is, explaining Bitcoin at times to people who hardly knows about it is weird buddy, sometimes bizzare lol it takes courage, a lot of it.

I know, I'm hoping 2018 will be better :)

Bitcoin prices are pumping not by Demand Supply , but speculators want to earn big chunk from it and as many involve in it, as much gain they have in future. They always bet on future....................................................................

Yes, but history repeats itself in all forms of life. Bitcoin has a long term history. So it becomes fairly easy to make an educated guess for its future too. :)

I do some mining on MinerGate. Once & a while I'll go to the site & look at the chat. So many people asking questions on things. If they would take two minutes looking on the site, they would get their answer.

I think a lot of people are wanting to get rich quick without the understanding of it. They can't take time to even learn what bitcoin is or how it works.

I agree with educating yourself if you're going to trade. I also believe bitcoin is soon to be replaced at number 1 by ripple. People are realizing that bitcoins utility is not for transactions at this scale. It will exist as a store of value. The time of 2nd and 3rd gen coins is here, in my opinion

Ripple is 100% kyc, aml, and supported by the traditional banking industry that created the need for proven , auditable blockchains in the first place. Ripple is 100% centralized and not decentralized. Please do your research on why decentralized blockchains are important before it is too late.

If you chase ripple's inflated price as it will continue to go up. Eventually you might be holding something that you wish you didn't.

Again, my personal (experienced) opinion only. Ymmv = This is not investment advice.

I've done my research. Made a lot of money off bitcoin and believe it reaches new highs. I know the purpose of blockchain tech. I also will not decline making money from what is obvious. Ripple will take the top spot. If you believe banks are going anywhere within next couple years you are simply wrong. Doesn't mean I like banks, I won't ignore ripples obvious real world use.

Talk to you in 6 months for now. We may both see differently by then.

Edit: BTC at $13,763, XRP at $2.74

We see June 2018

Do you honestly not see the problem with $50 transactions. Yes please, hit me back in six months.

It is simply inferior to most new coins

Bitcoin isn't for purchasing coffee. It's not a micro-transactional currency anymore for "dust transactions" It's a store of wealth that props up the value of all cryptocoins including ripple.

Let's not make this comment thread a non-stop debate. I'll find you June 2018 on steemit and we can compare notes then.

The bitcoin community is putting a focus on securing the network.
As long as alternative currencies did not have gone mainstream, high transaction fees are not a serious problem, assuming this is a transient phenomenon. Maybe it even fosters demand by making it hard to get (and sell). Until the solutions are implemented we are all happy that we now additionally have Bitcoin Cash to use it for small and fast transactions.

True. Although has anyone taken inventory on functional Bitcoin ATMS in the public that accept BCH yet?

I don't know as much as you (obviously). I do know that the Steemit blockchain is very different from the Bitcoin blockchain. There is so much more 'room' on the Steemit blockchain. It can grow and grow and they are already busy expanding it. Also because of the witness system, it costs less energy than the Bitcoin blockchain. But maybe I made some thinking errors, so correct me if I see it wrong.

This experience hits home and is exactly why I wrote a free e-book ScaredyCatGuide to Knowing What the Heck Bitcoin Is

I go to meetups for my real estate investing and half the talk is of bitcoin of late and it sounds very similar to what you just described.

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