A Curated Guide For Cryptocurrencies' Newbies.

in #bitcoin8 years ago (edited)

Before joining Steemit, I had only a vague idea about cryptocurrencies : how they work, their value, examples etc  

Now, I've learned more about cryptocurrencies than I have ever done in my life. It was initially stressful having to jump from one link to another leaving several tabs opened.  

As Steemit goes mainstream, there would be several new users who are complete newbies. Who know next to nothing about cryptocurrencies. 

 And I hope new users would find this all-in-one guide useful.  I aim to update this post as soon as new resources are recommended by the experts here.  

Shout out to @cryptoctopus for this:  

It can be quite the mind bender for the un-initiated to the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, inflation, stake-based voting, etc.  But hopefully, it will be like the lightbulb one day...you don't need to know how it works, you only need it to work.    

Hopefully, I would get that lightbulb soon. :)  

Here are some questions I would love resources to: 

 - Where and how to buy  and trade cryptocurrencies  

- how are cryptocurrencies valued  

- Criterias to invest in cryptocurrencies  

- Wallets for cryptocurrencies   

 1. Here is a list of all cryptocurrencies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptocurrencies  and a more robust list here: http://www.cryptocoincharts.info/coins/info   

2. The Rise of Cryptocurrencies by @limitless. I daresay this is a must read for newbies. The research paper contains detailed information about currency, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and others.  https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@limitless/the-rise-of-cryptocurrencies 

3.What is Bitcoin? By @clains  https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@clains/what-is-bitcoin

 4.What is Bitshares? https://steemit.com/bitshares/@psylains/what-is-bitshares   

Some History  

5. Explore the visualized history of the cryptocurrencies and sidechains! From their white papers up to present days! http://mapofcoins.com/   Thanks @forrestwillie   

6. Mining STEEM For Dummies  https://steemit.com/steemhelp/@joseph/mining-steem-for-dummies   

Additional resources?

P.S You can check out this post I created initially for this post:If You Were To Give A Single Advice To A Crypto-Newbie Now, What Would It Be


I've encountered some troubles following @Joseph 's Mining Steem for Dummies [Maybe I am more of a dummy!]... 

I'd love if Steemit had a private messaging option to get in contact with @joseph for some help, but not publicly in a thread :)

Try the slack platform. You have a great chance of meeting him there.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58617.29
ETH 3164.87
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44