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RE: My Thoughts On The Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency) ETF

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I've thought something similar. I know the prices will inflate when they eventually swarm the market, because they'll buy at any price they have to pay, confident they can later get someone else to pay more. They are gambling with other people's money, and lot's of it, so are quite bold.

If you think about it, the entire market is still pegged to BTC. They may invest in other coins too, but ETF folks are going to especially want BTC. Yet there aren't enough BTC that will ever be created for every millionaire to have a single coin. So obviously demand is going to exceed supply when everyone with a bank account wants some and governments and Wall St. are able to pay any price for them.

Maybe it's inevitable. Maybe not though. Maybe the market collapses as an investment market and winds up being just techies using crypto to secure public blockchains doing techie stuff. Maybe it never goes mainstream, just advances technology.

I keep asking myself if I would want to be invested in crypto just for the way it liberates access to money and global exchange, or just for what it means for the advancement of technology, or just for what it means for decentralization of money. Would I want to invest in it just to support those ends, even if I wasn't going to make much money off it myself.

And I have to face that I see those as important benefits of crypto, but I invest for long-term profit potential. So while I don't want Wall St. dominating crypto, I think it may be inevitable, to the financial benefit of those of us investing before that flippening, and detriment of what could be if it stayed small and obscure.


It's simple. It makes things easier and more frictionless. People want to save time and energy. Since we value our time more than the rest. That will say eventually everyone will be using it.

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