RE: [ Bitcoin ] New Bitcoin Target, or is this a pump to go down?
We definately are going down slowly but surely. I do see long term potential in a $700k Bitcoin but the speed might take longer than we can imagine. It can take less then we imagine also. The comeback for Bitcoin will eventually be like the pound of gold for pound of salt, pound of salt for pound of gold. We can find way more gold on earth, we can create gold in nuclear reactors, we can find gold in space. Bitcoin is predetermined. Forks do not matter, bitcoin is bitcoin and was designated since mining the first half of the coins to be that way. Unfortunately for enthusiasts thinking of revolutionary Peer to peer should understand that the banks will use bitcoin to their advantage. Which is good investment for us earlycomers. Bitcoin will never become expensive for as being the Peer to Peer money sender as that is obtainable with just blockchain. Nice charting it is very precise and your call is a very good one. 🍻
Thank you for your comment and insights @importanteye
Mining crypto with a sustainable power source, maybe even a beautiful little permaculture and blogging on Steemit sound like a very sustainable lifestyle :-)