What about your dreams? -and mine- Thoughts on Bitcoin's Journey...

in #bitcoin6 years ago

What about your dreams? Do you dream of the billion dollars price for Bitcoin? Do you read the reports and predictions and the great studies that prove the theory of the super Bitcoin's price? It will be for sure at the end of this year or it will be a reality in the first quarter of the next year, isn't it? And then you 'll be a millionaire, you 'll exchange the Bitcoin against the dollar and it will become a feast in your bank account! And then... well, you are still sleeping... unfortunately. Once you wake up, you realize that the price of the Bitcoin is not that high as you dreamed, the market while is showing some bullish signs remains still bearish. So, let's study again the charts, let's read the fresh reports on the prices' movement, let's consult the big daddies of the Crypto Market, let's hear the oracles and the precious words of the prophets and finally let's meditate about the near future of our Bitcoin and altcoins. Should you sell or should you buy? Or should you stay cool and do nothing but sleep again? As uncertainty is in the air of the reality, sleeping for a while is probably the best choice. So, you are sleeping again! And you dream again! It's this sweet dream of the Bitcoin reaching the one billion dollars. You dream yourself running to the exchange and cash out!!! Hopefully, in your dream, it's only you doing this. Otherwise, your dream will turn on a nightmare, the price may drop lightning fast, as everybody will try to cash out! Ah, the beloved dollar or euro or any kind of fiat money, this is the absolute reality that makes you dream of the Bitcoin reaching the billion dollars, isn't it?

In the matter of the bitcoin people tends to make the simple complicated. The full expectation of a Bitcoin price over 20000 dollars is a good example of the collective illusion that makes the simple complicated and eventually a great hole in the water! Because in the dreamed case of the Bitcoin's price to climb up to 20000 dollars there will be simply a fast rewind towards the unwanted bottom as many investors will start to cash out for collecting the profits. Thus the prices will go back to the Earth's center leaving the beautiful moon landscape. If people want to buy the Bitcoin there is actually one main reason: make a profit. And this profit is not coming from the labor that could back the currency but from the speculation. Making profit from the Bitcoin means trading the Bitcoin, buying and selling it, and until now there is no profit from the Bitcoin by other use like receive a salary in Bitcoin, or using the bitcoin for buying your furniture or a simple coffee. The bitcoin is not used for paying anything else than the exchanges and the trades for Altcoins. This is also a reality that can wreak havoc. In the harmful case you are dreaming the great profits, you should take into consideration the possibility to find yourself on the side of the great dips. To avoid this drama you must wake up before the happy or unhappy end of the dream. If the prices matter for you then you should follow some rational paths that could lead you to some rational conclusions. The statements, the reports, the expert's analysis, and studies are not the best path for you to follow. If all these people that "know" are so philanthropy and kind we should be rich, all of us just following their theories and analysis but practice doesn't prove that is the case. Instead, most of these people that pretend to know the truth about this or that concerning the prices or the predictions about the prices are already rich and famous telling mostly absurdities or they are notorious chronic scammers.

If you are not familiar to the Bitcoin and to the blockchain reality you are obviously very exposed to the pointless and inaccurate analysis and propaganda of the "experts" and big daddies of the cryptosphere. Before you dream the remake of the all-time high price of the Bitcoin, think about what was the main reason for this epic climb. Was it the result of a massif wave of buys? Was it because millions of small investors, retailers, and middle range companies decided suddenly to buy the Bitcoin? Before this all-time high all these people were aware of the existence of the Bitcoin? You should first answer these questions and then proceed to any kind of trade or involvement in the Bitcoin's virtual economy. Have you ever thought that this all-time high could be generated by some powerful market makers? Have you ever thought that this spectacular economic event could be a successful game of marketing? Have you ever thought that thanks to this marketing game you are now involved in the Bitcoin's world, you bought you first fragments of the bitcoin, you read me now and it is also thanks to this marketing game that you still dream of a remake one year after? 

Maybe you should take into consideration that the Bitcoin has no product attached to its activity and further existence. Thus, there is no market consensus, no real market dynamic able to offer a clear image of any kind of monetary policy that could justify expectation for future high and stable prices for the Bitcoin. And if in the near future Bitcoin goes high as expected (and dreamed) this constant uptrend movement could generate a long-term trend to hold rather than spend. And, this trend means in simple words that the Bitcoin could not be massively adopted. There is no market that adopts a "currency" that nobody wants to spend while everybody wants to hold for further "gains" due to its constant rise in its price... After all, if you dream of a social-economic reality without fiat money you should orientate your expectations, dreams, and plans towards a Bitcoin relatively stable in price and tradable exclusively against altcoins. This could be a way to the transition from a virtual economy to the real crypto-economy, where Banks and corrupted financial institutions cannot influence and dominate your everyday life and evolution and cannot impose slavery status as it is the case nowadays.

I stop here so as not to bother you anymore. I will soon come back with another briefing note on Bitcoin's journey, both in our markets and in our minds and dreams. There are issues that few are trying to analyze and it would be interesting to bring them to the surface to find solutions or to investigate whether they are real issues rather than myths or impressions.

Thanks for reading me and for visiting my blog! Feel free to leave a comment!

Original Content @imealien All Rights Reserved

Images are created by @imealien


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