Why Litecoin is the only 'Safe Haven' During this Scaling Civil War

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Official_Litecoin_Logo.pngLitecoin was born on October 7th 2011 to a former Google employee, DCvvh_qWAAARfYO (1).jpg Charlie Lee aka @SatoshiLite, and a little known project from Satoshi called Bitcoin. That's right. Litecoin was created from a fork of Bitcoin Core with a different hashing method, about 4 times the max supply of coins, and a faster block gen time. Now fast forward to today when the bitcoin block's are backed up and all the skinny bitcoin devs are fighting with the skinny asian miners blah blah blah, People are scared about what will happen to bitcoin when August 1st comes around. Litecoin on the other hand has already solved the problem that Bitcoin is currently struggling with. Litecoin already has Segwit. Litecoin already has the Lightning network.

Litecoin is pretty much the post Aug 1st Bitcoin Today! (if things dont go to hell) duh.


Yep. So obviously people who fear the hard fork nonsense are moving to litecoin because thats the next best thing. There really isn't any down side to moving to Litecoin except for maybe not getting a fancy new Segwit Bitcoin. Yea this is my first real blog post on Steemit and I know its all over the place weird but yea.... Awk.


Great Post and Work!!! Upvoted, Follow me and I Follow Back!! Regards!!

Fully agree! Upvoted and following. BTW welcome to steemit!

Thanks! Im happy to be here!

Hey man, thanks for sharing.

I'm purely a trader, and not a techie type guy so can you expand on this part a bit more for me?

Litecoin on the other hand has already solved the problem that Bitcoin is currently struggling with. Litecoin already has Segwit. Litecoin already has the Lightning network.

Litecoin is pretty much the post Aug 1st Bitcoin Today!

I can't believe how good the Litecoin chart looks and am just trying to learn a bit more about the fundamental reason behind why it hasn't sold off with everything else.

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