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RE: Especially For My Pride Of Lions.. Bitcoin: Important Updates And A False Flag. By Gregory Mannarino

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Well, the beauty of crypto-currencies is that they are not controlled by a government or central bank. Money is an idea backed by confidence. It doesn't matter what we use as money, so long as we agree it has value. Gold is beautiful and rare. If someone uncovered a lot of gold, or developed a process for creating gold out of thin air (like a Star Trek food replicator, for instance) then gold would lose its appeal. Crypto-currencies can't be printed out of existence because they are created with a cap. Once that cap is reached, the currency can be subdivided into tiny amounts and still used as currency. The biggest weakness is that it needs the internet to work. No internet, no crypto-currency. But, really, it's all about agreement. It could be coconuts, just so long as we all agree it has value and we are willing to accept it in exchange for our goods and services.


Yes coconuts , coffee beans...etc...You see that is the problem. We already have a monetary system for most country. In my northern country where we house great salmon, maple syrup and fantastic hockey players is unconstitutional to tax money. That is why everytging is taxed in canada except for Gold and Silver Bullion. So my question is to you, what does your constitution say?

I get Crypto currency, the problem people think they are making a difference or challenging the "Elites" with this thing yet they cant even preserve what they already have as a right. Do you see how dum tgis is. That is why some people get rich, because the masses always follow the trends.

Crypto is not just about challenging the elites. It's about commerce, about exchange without the barriers a government puts up. Without making bankers fat.
Some US States are taking steps to prevent taxation on precious metals so they can be used as tender, like the Constitution says.
Crypto is like a foreign currency that doesn't have a central bank to inflate/deflate. The free market determines the price of crypto-currencies.
Sure, there are always things people can do to manipulate prices, but if you were living completely in bitcoin, for instance, those price changes relative to other currencies, you wouldn't notice. Just like we don't notice when the MXP changes value.
Everything has pluses and minuses. We just need to get educated. It's all about personal responsibility.

Yes im aware of for lifting barriers for trade we already have that and its called a coorporation. For more or less 100$ you get to open one up depending where u are in the world. A coorp does not need a passport;). I can see the convenience of Crypto as it is to make transaction simpler and much more however i do not see it as a concrete replacement of the monetary system in place. I believe its in its extremely early stages and more engineriing is needed. That is another reason why im very wary of this speculative side of the market.

The reality is that we are moving into digital money.......actually we are already in it and have been for a while. I hear your tgoughts and share most of them when i focuse only on Crypto, however in the broader picture of things, Crypto is one ingredient of many being mixed in the pot. Stay focused my friend.

FYI...coorp does have to put up with governement reg;) forgot to add this. So u make a point with that Crypto has no gov reg.....question is for how long?

Dont get me wrong if the masses pushes towards this type of crypto, then lets protfit....;)

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