in #bitcoin7 years ago


  1. FACT 1

Berniesanders and co., are Racists, Haejin is the victim due to his racial background of Asian/Korean roots.

....if you are going to attempt to communicate using the English Language, please use it properly....

a) Evidence

Since when did it become a steemit reuirement that we should all communicate using the English language, never mind that some of us, despite not being English, are moreover even damn more good at it, both spoken and written than them. Is not this racism?

b) Reason

@berniesanders and co., are trying to extend their Western Colonial tendencies even to Steemit. To them only the White man should earn more, and not Asians/Africans whom they despise.

Because Haejin is Asian, and has invested more, and has become loved, followed, by thousands and therefore earning more than them, they see him as a threat. Apparently Steemit was started in the WEST not Asia or Africa, and so only Westerners like them should dominate while all of us support them.

c) What is to be done with @haejin?

Are you Asian? Are you African? Do you want to defend steemit from being colonized, and by this I mean, are you against the threat of being flagged and unrewarded because of your race, your color your origin? Do you believe that you are an equal to @berniesanders and co., and should be allowed to find and use your own creative ways to effectively earn from Steemit? In short, do you support a racism free Steemit? If yes, then don’t be duped by the berniesanders into flagging Haejin.

d) What is to be done with @berniesanders?

I am not saying that you should not upvote, follow and/or resteem berniesander’s posts, on the contrary you may, if you find them to your taste. But just as this is the correct treatment for @berniesanders, it is only fair that we accord @haejin the same treatment. You like his daily analysis? Upvote, comment and resteem his posts. If you don’t like, ignore them, but don’t flag simply because berniesanders and his troupe of aspiring steemit colonizers are doing it.

  1. FACT II

Berniesanders owns at least 4 known accounts (he admits only 3), which he uses for self upvoting his posts. @haejin owns one account, admits to no other.

a) Evidence

By his own admission, @berniesanders recently confirmed that he owns @kimjongpoo; @baejin, @randowhale. See below how he used these multiple account to upvote himself

b) Reason

With the four accounts including others still unknown, Berniesanders self upvotes his own posts, the majority of which are just three-word posts abusing Haejin.

The idea of rewards on Steemit is about quality posts. How does a three-word post or abusive comment deserve $100 plus rewards that berniesanders gives himself? Is not that reward pool rape?
Prove for yourself, go to @berniesandes account and show me any post that makes sense, and yet the guys makes a lot of dollars.

He using/instigating negativity/hate against Haejin so as to benefit himself, as many of those he has convinced to join and upvote his post.

Okay, so @berniesanders admits that he owns multiple accounts, how about @haejin? Does @haejin also hold multiple accounts? Well, he denies, and unless somebody can prove otherwise, we have to believe that he is telling the truth. I dont see any reason why he would lie.

c) What is to be done with @berniesanders?

Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on what you think about multiple account holdership, Steemit has no way of preventing one from owning multipme accounts.
But does it even really matter? Have I problem with someone owning multiple accounts? Actually I don’t, just as I have no problem with someone upvoting himself. That is why I actually have no problem with @berniesanders owning multiple accounts and upvoting himself.

What I disagree with is the fact that whereas @berniesanders holds multiple accounts and upvotes himslef, it is wrong for him to demand that should be a privilege for him alone, and not for me, for you or for @haejin. Is that fair? What gives @berniesanders the right to think that him alone, and not others can upvote themselves? His color? His Country? What?

So what is to be done with @berniesanders and his multiple accounts? Simple, leave him alone. He has found that to be an effective way of earning from Steemit, so be it. If you also wish, go ahead and open multiple accounts, and upvote yourself.

d) What is to be done with @haejin?

All of us, African, American, Asian, any race, any color, any reputation, may, if you so wish, own multiple accounts, and upvote ourselves, if we find that to be an effective means of earning.

Otherwise why did they leave open the option of one owning multiple accounts, if they didn’t think it would benefit steemit?

Actually, the decision to allow people to hold multiple accounts benefits Steemit…weired, you think? But it is true. When you hold multiple accounts, say 5, and you invest in them, it is like 5 people! Yes, the benefits that only one person would otherwise bring to steemit, is now brought by 5 people.

And then selfupvoting, if again steemit thought it was bad for one to upvote him/herself, why did they make it possible? what is the reason for investing on Steem power? And then, lets be honest, is there anyone on steemit who does not upvote himself, whether a minnow, a dolphin or a whale?

Summarily, let @berniesanders hold a thousand accounts if he can manage them, let him upvote himself, but also let @haejin upvote himself if he she wishes. It is unfair for @berniersanders to think this right belongs only to him.

At any rate, when you compare @berniesanders and @haejin in terms of who upvotes himself the most, @berniesanders wins. Yes, there is no proof that @haejin owns another account other than his, namely @haejin, anything else mostly is speculation.

However, there is proof that @berniesanders owns multiple accounts. By his own admission, he recently confirmed that he owns @kimjongpoo; @baejin, @randowhale.


Besides the accounts Berniesanders has himself confirmed to be owning, he also supports and pays other clone spam accounts dedicated to de-campaigning and flagging @haejin.

Accounts such as @flag-haejin and @haejin-sucks. With such accounts, they dupe and con people to send them SBD, apparently for flagging @haejin. Is this not theft?

a) Evidence

b) Reason

in the fair competition for rewards, @berniesanders and his group of egoistic and selfish colonizing interests have lost. @haejin is alone, and they are many, with multiple accounts dedicated to failing a man who like all of us, is trying to make an honest living, but still, they are failing.

With the multiple accounts, they spam @haejin’s posts with abuse, racist taunts and flags. If you want proof, look up these accounts and see for yourself: either they have never posted anything and are used only for flagging or if they have posted, it is only spam on @haejin’s posts.

  1. Conclusion

I think the true rapist of our rewards, abuser of steemit platform, conman and colonialist is @berniesanders and his croonies. @haejin is only their victim.


Hello icomment. I am a Haejin supporter and you have got it so wrong.
Do not just drop the race card. I am not a racist but that is a low blow you have thrown. This is all about money and nothing else.
I know about racial abuse as I have lived with it all my life.

Not all are racist though. Sorry i forgot to mention that. Thanks for the gentle correction, and for voicing your opinion, really thanks.

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