Stellar is distributing 16 Billion Lumens to Bitcoin Holders!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Stellar is the crypto-currency owned by founders of Ripple (XRP).

Stellar wants to target individuals as the user base where as Ripple wants to target Financial Institutions as the user base.
Currently stellar lumens are trading at, 1000 Lumens = $3 USD.

Stellar is distributing up to 16 BILLION lumens to bitcoin holders or 16% of the initial lumens. On June 27th, 2017, they will make available these lumens to any bitcoin holder who wants them.

The Bitcoin network was the first to show that it’s possible for a group of untrusted parties to agree on a common database, and the Bitcoin community still influences understanding of this technology’s impact.

How will it work?

June 26, 2017: They’ll take a snapshot of the blockchain at the first block mined with a timestamp on June 26th (UTC/GMT). This snapshot will record the coin balances of all bitcoin accounts at that time.

June 27, 2017: They’ll publish a claim page, allowing bitcoin holders to verify that they control a given bitcoin address and will then send that address’s share of lumens to the provided Stellar account.

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