Why are Corrupt Countries so Fearful of Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Where is Your Government on This List Put Together by CoinTelegraph?

My adopted country Panama is not on the list but we all know that Bitcoin is welcome in this country. So many great Bitcoin entrepreneurs live here and there are a good deal of companies who are based here as well. I would give us a BRI of 100 even though the corruption number would probably be around 40 since it is part of the culture.

What is BRI?

The system for ordering Bitcoin acceptance (BRI) by countries uses a scale of 0-100 with 0 defined as Bitcoin is illegal and 100 means Bitcoin is completely unregulated by the government and the government has deliberately decided not to regulate.

What is CPI?

The CPI describes governance in a country by a number in the [0, 100] interval with 100 reflecting excellent governance and 0 being corrupt.



The most interesting thing about this post is that România has a CPI of 48.

Since I am born and raised here I must say that that information is very much incorrect. I would personally give it a very indulgent 15 points.

Because I don't know if you know this but this country is on the top 3 most corrupt countries from the EU, actually and sadly I think we occupy 1st place regarding thua matter here in the EU. Last year they silently voted a law at midnight that would officially legalize the Abuse in Service if the prejudice is not greater that 40.000 RON, that is 10.000 USD!!! So if you are a politician, you can legally steal 10k $.

Word got out, people got out of their homes and into the streets for over 3 month, the OUG nr. 13 was postponed and it's not yet taken effect, now the most funny part is th ANAF (The National Anti Fraud Association) is negotiating with the left wing party the amount that cat be legally stolen, form the sum of 10.000 $ to the sum of "only" 200 $.

And no guys, this is not at all a joke. This is what is actually happening in România. And I think bitcoin right now is a very good thing for all this corrupt politicians, because it will make it easier for them to launder their money. Aldo I don't really think they realise this yet because most of them are just mindless thugs in suits and the only thing they really know is to lie, steal and count money. And I'm not exaggerating about it. This is hiwthe majority of them really are. But they have kids... so sooner or later they will realise that btc is their new currency.

You think Romania is bad? Shit, hold my beer.

that is horrible to watch.

omg jeez...

Im not drinking alko ,for me it ok to see how everything is destroyed.haha

LOL, stuff like that happens all over the US too, middle of the morning votes. Congressional fuckers can even trade on insider info. and there is no punishment. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Well in my home country it is 75 bri, 41 cpi. We are quite corrupt but quite behind in everything so i guess they aren't that concerned or just well informed about crypto currencies. On the other hand I live in the UK and the BRI is at 75 with quite good CPI of 81. Same BRI for 2 quite different governments, it is quite an interesting study! :)

Interesting that they are all small developed countries - Denmark, Ireland and New Zealand all have populations around or less than 5 million. Good post @hilarski - thanks.

This is very interesting. I am Slovenian like guys who own Bitstamp. My country have score 136. Great for Denmark and New Zealand.

Why is Japan so low? They were the first to legalize bitcoin right??

Similar to the US they have plenty of high level corruption but they try to control Bitcoin. Making it legal and letting Bitcoin do whatever it wants are very different.

Gotcha, KYC.

You can say that again. Its going to put them out of business.

If only they will find a way to regulate it and get taxes...
Let's wait half a year and watch.

I don't know how to react to this comment. : )

I'm trolling lol. I know about your position about government system phehe.

I'm surprised Australia's numbers were so high given how corrupt the government is here.

Woow very good info! thanks for sharing. Only a matter of time before we see crypto as the new financial power:)

Interesting ,cuz I dont see my country there -Latvia. But what can I say about it ?? Corruption is on high level in government. Thanks for sharing this.

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