Have You Introduced Someone to Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Bitcoin Grows Organically 100% Peer to Peer and the Growth is Phenomenal.

Over the last few years the speed of Bitcoin and Crypto Currency growth is accelerating. I can remember ages ago when Bitcoin "Smashed Through $800". Did you know that was shortly before Christmas 2016? At the time the combined market cap of Crypto Currencies was still under $15 Billion now today we have a combined market cap of $103 Billion.

The power of Peer to Peer marketing combined with influencers on the internet has given traction to a technology that was considered, "Nerd Money" just a short while ago. When I would talk to people about Bitcoin back in 2014 they did not care or they just listened to my rants about the central banks and how Bitcoin could set us free. Now people who I never would think would be interested are contacting me on a daily basis. Everyone seems to want a Bitcoin wallet and then it quickly escalates to wanting the ability to trade for Altcoins.

The Hurdles of Bitcoin Adoption.

I have found that it is easy for me to teach people here in Panama how to set up accounts, convert fiat cash into Bitcoin and to trade their Altcoins but for people in many parts of the world including the USA it is not as easy. I consistently see people complaining about how hard it is to get Bitcoin. Although I feel bad that they can't participate on the level that we can I just remind myself that people make their decisions to stay in jurisdictions that might not be as financially free.

My Remedy for People Who Refuse to Move.

I recommend these people get to work on Steemit or start getting paid in Bitcoin for services rendered. This is a no-brainer for me. I know people will still make excuses but those of you who really want something will find a way to get it. That is human nature.

Have an Amazing Weekend and Keep on Steeming.

Image Source BitNational


I have not introduce bitcoin to other people. Yet some had introduce bitcoin to me 4 years ago. I was so stupid and I feel regret that I though bitcoin is scam and I rejected him. I also told him to stop investing bitcoin. I was wrong.

And also one of the most illegal-used developments. Bitcoin needs a healthy marketing. It's a must have for it to leave current marketing positioning areas like: everything illegal can be bought with BTC, lol. Only when we see 1 or 2 mass adoptions BTC will stabilize and offer much more than what it os offering now: gateway to DW and market exchanges.

USD is no different in illegal use. Money and items of tangible value will always be used illegally. Almost any arguement against BTC you could easily switch BTC for USD.

That view is so 2013. Bitcoin is worth £50 billion right now!

Plus a lot of people think it's a scam or a ponzi scheme lol

I bought bitcoin back when it was $500 and it was a pain in the ass. Ended up paying nearly $100 more than market price to get in since fee's were so high. It's easier now and I believe that has a lot to do with the increase in the price of bitcoin.

Everyone I spoke regrets not buying earlier. But slowly everyone is embrasing the cryptocurrency. Be aware with all the small 'scam'-coins!

Getting easier everyday.

Yeah, in the US I have sent people to Coinbase just because it's the closest thing to using an "online retailer" for them. Setup an account, do an ACH deposit from checking acct and viola! You know have bitcoin.

I introduced all of my FB friends to BTC using one of my steemit posts that showed me my BTC to buy Amazon stock on it's march to 1,000.

Real world application to a stock everyone knows. Figure that was my most attention grabbing way to do it! :-)

It's complicated in my country

I stated introduce Bitcoin to my family and other people almost everyday.
And I wish all of them believe me and potential of Cryptocurrency Bitcoin.
It can change our finance 100%

Hello great article, I have been doing some of the same things as you. I have been telling my family and friends about Blockchain Technology and Bitcoins for sometime now ... I always link it back to fiat currency and how the central banks have ruined the entire system by drowning us in debt. And sometimes I think they think that I've lost my mind. But if you dig into the accounting of the United States government your mind might explode. When I was born in 1980 we had about $800 billion in debt , Now that I am 37 years old the country is in debt $20 trillion with unfunded liabilities of and other $120 trillion. As a father of three young children( who will never be able to work enough inside this slavery system in order to pay even the interest on that debt!!!!) I find myself a bit worried to say the least!!! And this doesn't even take into account all the pension funds across this country. OK that's enough great article thank you for sharing look forward to following more of your work. Steem steem on !!!! LOOKING FORWARD AT THE NEW WORLD NOT BACK AT USA/ROME!!!!

Yes absolutely, steemit is the best platform to introduce someone to the crypto space... here anybody can learn organically...

I'm trying to get an acquaintance of mine to get on steemit, virtually bending over backwards trying to convince them it's a great idea, but he is still "hesitant". Says "something doesn't add up". - Uh?

Part of the game, when we bought the VW 100% with Steem it opened some eyes though.

In a few weeks I am going to be doing a lunchtime talk about cryptos for people here at work. This is a regular thing we do here, people volunteer to talk about hobbies and trips etc. I was asked to do it because I am the only person around here who knows anything about them. The idea that out of about the 120 people I work with I am the only person, curious enough, brave(?), enough, savvy enough to have ridden the beginning stages of the crypto rocket. I am really looking forward to the lunch talk. I plan to give out some ethereum and steem. I hope I am able to help people see the logic behind free markets as well as make them some profit. Intellectual capital is good in itself so there will already be that. Any advice everyone?

Oh my goodness, and people think we are in a bubble. It might be short term but the in the long term we are still very early.

I know it never even occurred to me that no one, NO ONE here had even considered cryptocurrencies important until recently.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66361.02
ETH 3462.04
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.20