Exolover is the real platform using blockchain technology

in #bitcoin6 years ago


In the course of recent decades, the revelation of incipient advances has upset
our general circumventions.
We convey PCs in our pockets; our day by day needs from shopping for victuals to gregarious sodalities are accessible inside a solitary snap.

Most incipient plans of action are innovation predicated and utilize developments like cloud
figuring, mechanization, and computerized reasoning to work all the more productively and that's only the tip of the iceberg adequately.

However one industry remains to a great extent immaculate by our consistently elongating advanced world - the sex toy industry.

ExoLover is here to transmute that; the Project is on the forefront of current sex
toy advancement cumulated with the incipient outskirts of a decentralized web, the sex toy
industry will never be identically tantamount again.

Our ingenious contrivances are fit for transmitting practical vibes of sexual kineticism incorporating intercourse alone or with accomplices from over the globe. The decentralized ExoLover web stage gives clients an unknown sodality, empowering them to achieve the pinnacle of sexual delight even without genuine physical contact.

Sex is an indispensable piece of our life and we consider it quite often. A considerable lot of us dream of or acquire sexual unwinding without the assistance of an accomplice. However, we are mortified to discuss this.

ExoLover plenarily transmutes the built up arrange; sanctioning everybody the chance of having a practical sexual affair, at whatever point they require and wherever they are; willing accomplices are just a single tick away.


ExoLover is an ingenious accumulation of sex toy contrivances that enable clients to encounter the full scope of sexual sensations with a virtual accomplice or remote ones. ExoLover clients communicate remotely with others in an immersive virtual sexual encounter that transmits the vibes of sex for a full body encounter dissimilar to some other.

The contrivance was conceived from the possibility of an exoskeleton - ExoLover contrivances cover
components of the body and offer avail for an all the more consummately consummated sexual life.
ExoLover enables individuals to discover incipient accomplices wherever they are, associate with current accomplices when they are isolated; empowering them to gratify their most profound dreams.

ExoLover plenarily changes how we consider and how we acquire sexual fulfillment. Undertaking profoundly transmutes our way to deal with this mass wonders.
The ExoLover Suite of cutting edge, licensed, best in class sex toy items (ExoTouch, ExoFeel, ExoBeat, ExoThrust, ExoTator, ExoWand, ExoReality and ExoVirtual) sanction clients an exceptional sexual ordeal of their culling.

The decentralized stage will streamline the enrollment procedure as per the rule of obscurity.

The mission of the ExoLover Project is:

  • to give clients the full sexual experience of their picking (counting intercourse),
  • to enable individuals to encounter the delectation of sex, even without an accomplice,
  • to give sexual fulfillment to client where they feel consummately bulwarked and shielded from brutality in any comfortable place of their own culling,
  • to make the way toward finding sexual accomplices expeditious, simple and modest,
  • to enable individuals to understand their sexual wants at any auxiliary time,
  • to empower ones' most eminent self-acknowledged sexual life,
  • to abate noetic strain.


in this challenge few will be elucidate and about the our answer however please visit () the locales to cutting edge with data gave what's more, There has not been an inventive leap forward in the sex toy industry since beginning and there are no contrivances accessible that subjectively impersonate the procedure of sex.

The affectability of the subject just bothers the issue. Thus, clients keep on relishing marginally enhanced renditions of dildos or deviants with vibration work.

The development of sexually transmitted maladies, undesirable victualing regimens, stationary ways of life, the development of data streams, over-encumbrance of gregarious exercises and commitments, prompts a constant lack of individual time and a constraint on the hover of live correspondence.

Every single year, the quantity of individuals who don't have a general sexual coexistence increments and turns out to be more articulated after some time.

Presently, we go the inquiry, for what reason don't other individuals have standard sex accomplices? Who has the issue? All things considered, there are such an astronomically immense number of reasons why a man doesn't have a consequential sexual life, a few reasons might be restorative in nature and others could be as rudimental as a man simply being inelegant.

Sanctions breakdown probably the most widely apperceived reasons:

Factors, for example, nervousness, frailty or for the most part contemplating sex is one
of the most well-kenned reasons why individuals don't have intercourse or don't achieve climax when they genuinely retain it. As opposed to getting a charge out subsisting apart from everything else, their psyches inclines to meander.

Time is likewise curtailed when you have work, family thus numerous different things that
you have to do. It is most mundane with wedded couples who simply need to repose when they get back home from work.

ExoLover offers a feasible and opportune answer for the issue.
Clients get the chance to understand their boldest sexual dreams with imaginative
ExoLover sexual contrivances associated with the EXO Platform wherever and whenever that suits them.


With regards to the art of sexual fulfillment, we realize that fulfillment is answered to be higher among individuals who engage in sexual cognations all the more conventionally, have more prognosticable climaxes, and fuse a more eminent assortment of sexual acts.

ExoLover is here to make these spaces of sexual fulfillment workable for everybody. In augmentations our consequential customers are:

  • individuals with restricted physical capacities, sicknesses or conditions that repress sexual action incorporating sex with an accomplice;

  • individuals who don't have, or don't have any desire to have, or are not yare to have consistent, long haul connections for any number of reasons;

  • Individuals who have youngsters or potentially time constraints that make it hard to have a full sexual coexistence;

  • the individuals who are not being sexually consummated by their accomplices;

  • Spouses, Partners or Doters who are isolated by separate, wishing to have a typical sexual coexistence with their cherished one;

  • people who are probing for assortment in their ebb and flow relationship;

  • people who want offbeat sex and aberrant sensations.


The ExoLover Suite of cutting edge, bulwarked, best in class sex toy items
(ExoTouch, ExoFeel, ExoBeat, ExoThrust, ExoTator, ExoWand, ExoReality and ExoVirtual) plausibly impersonates client instigated sexual kineticism of fluctuating potency.

The contrivances are imaginative amendment that subjectively mimic both the procedure
of sexual action including intercourse and the going with perceptory, haptics withal, somatics sensations.

Mechanical and electronic gear (an intricate best in class equipment and programming arrangements) sanctions every client the chance to discretely to set the program and oversee sex.

An unmistakable component is the chance of clients to have sexual experiences with virtual accomplices or remote ones.

Task of the ExoLover contrivances on the EXO Platform includes two unique composes of sodalities:

  • Internal - task of contrivances in the inside sodality mode "contrivance stage". It incorporates the inventive contrivance, porn video or porn sound stories synchronized with
    the contrivance by designates of the EXO Platform for individual utilize and process administration by the client or the predetermined program,
  • External - concurrent activity of the ExoLover contrivances in outside sodality mode i.e. "contrivance to stage to contrivance" with remote accomplices associated with the EXO Stage; which incorporates that It incorporates that the inventive contrivances are synchronously associated by designates of the EXO Platform and process administration by one of the clients. The quantity of sexual accomplices and the decision of sexual contrivances utilized can shift, contingent upon the sexual inclinations of the client amassing.

Enlisting on the EXO Platform is just expert by giving the clients electronic EXO Wallet address; interfacing in this way guarantees the entire namelessness of the client and blocks the impedance of outsiders in the clients private life.

While making their ExoLover Utilizer Profile people are sanctioned to determine their physical appearance and individual viewpoints as they cull, making the individual they dream to be.

Every client's outer sodality initializes a client remunerate calculation inside the EXO Stages Perspicacious Contract, which enables them to be compensated with EXO Tokens, this compensate framework is called "Evidence of Connect".


The EXO Token is utilized to access the EXO Platform usefulness and is the essential venture token.

The EXO token does not qualifies its proprietor for have a stake in the organization or in any of the organization's ventures, or to get profits, or to vote or generally impact the business procedures of the venture.

1,000,000,000 EXO Tokens will be delivered to direct a Token Distribution Event.
700,000,000 EXO Tokens will be sent for trade on Pre-Initial and Initial token

  • Pre-Initial token distribution starts 29/05/2018
    1st week 1EXO = $0.050
    2nd week 1EXO = $0.060
    3rd week 1EXO = $0.070
    4th week 1EXO = $0.080
  • Initial token distribution starts 29/06/2018
    1st week 1EXO = $0.085
    2nd week 1EXO = $0.090
    3rd week 1EXO = $0.095
    4th week 1EXO = $0.100
  • Minimum exchange is 0.1 ETH
  • Soft cap is $500,000. Hard cap is $25,000,000

for more clarifications you can too visit the accompanying site more updates including the colleagues and the token arrangement, guide.

website: https://exolover.io/ | whitepaper: https://exolover.io/whitepaper.pdf | bounty : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3344477 | telegram: https://t.me/exoloverofficial | facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Exoloverofficial | twitter: https://twitter.com/IT_EXOLOVER | youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3_l6RGDjLORxNM5RLf6qRg | author'sD : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1213121

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