
It is always difficult to put a time on a prediction. So most of the time I am very careful about giving a specific time to someone. It is a fact that John McAfee said that he would eat his testicles if it's going doesn't reach $500,000 by 2020. So the best thing that can happen is that it will reach $499,000 so everybody is happy. 😉😂

No seriously, how many people today really understand Bitcoin? How many people today have even heard about Bitcoin?

Let's say that the larger amount of people gets to know Bitcoin and what it can do for them, we will see a tremendous rise! Remember that the dollar is about to crash as well, and people with money will have to find another way to store their precious dollars into something that gives them more than what they get at this moment.

So, John McAfee might be right with his prediction of $500,000 by the year 2020. He could be way off as well. Some predictions go to $50,000 next year as well. The matter of the fact is we will have to wait this out to see when it will happen. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that bitcoin will eventually get to be $500,000. The only question is when will that happen?

I am very skeptical about even 50 000 in 10 years. There is probably another coin out there that will take bitcoins place in a couple of years

I thought about that myself as well. The thing is, crypto currency is something that almost nobody knows. Bitcoin on the other hand is something that some people already heard of. Let's remember that Bitcoin is the first and longest existing going in this space. This is why I am a believer that this actually will happen. Of course this is only my opinion and like I said before, we will have to wait-and-see. 😉

mabe never. with so many coins out there

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