Mark Zuckerberg now fears Steemit!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Make no mistake, Mark Zuckerberg isn't a philanthropist, the guy has spent his life chasing dollars. Just watch his movie, as he steals the idea for "The Facebook" from the Winklevoss Twins (who are now crypto-billionaires thru yet their SECOND vision). After that he set about destroying MySpace, and then he underpaid for Instagram and overpaid for Whatsapp all in the interest of protecting his beloved social-monopoly cash-printing-press which is now valued around $500 BILLION dollars. Last year's "resolution" (Zberg does a new year's resolution each year) was something about learning mandarin or reading books or something, but REALISTICALLY he set about trying to kill Snapchat (Snap). Did he succeed? We don't think so, young people everywhere in the US are using Snap, and this hasn't stopped since Mark started spamming email accounts with reminders to check out all the fake news occuring on people's feeds. So what's his New Year's Resolution this year? FEAR. FEAR OF DECENTRALIZATION.

You see, Mark is now practically citizen #1 in the centralized economy. You do stuff on Facebook, Mark gets paid from your activity. What to do if you're a centralized force? Manipulate the news feed to your liking, filter what he WANTS you to see by banishing those he doesn't like or agree, and then telling you he's all about openness and decentralization. A great man once said "people are the opposite of what they advertise". We suspect Facebook's mission statement is a lot like that quote. But how do we know Mark now fears Steemit? 2 reasons...

#1 reason Mark fears Steemit: $2 billion
This is Steemit's market cap, even with just users in the THOUSANDS. What happens if Steemit grows to the size of Reddit or Twitter or god forbid the FASTLY dying Facebook (not Instagram, that still has some active users)? Then Zberg has a REAL problem on his hands, as his golden goose has oficially gotten away from him. Mark respects eyeballs, this is why he quickly, on almost a lark, acquired the quick growing tbh, a simple polling app a few teenagers quickly downloaded and found fascinating...
It only had 2.5mm active users at time of purchase.

#2 reason Zuckerberg fears Steemit: He practically WROTE about Steemit
Here's a direct quote from Zuckerberg's missive about how/why he's suddenly interested in de-centralization aka cryptocurrencies aka Steemit....

"For example, one of the most interesting questions in technology right now is about centralization vs decentralization. A lot of us got into technology because we believe it can be a decentralizing force that puts more power in people’s hands. (The first four words of Facebook’s mission have always been “give people the power”.) Back in the 1990s and 2000s, most people believed technology would be a decentralizing force.
But today, many people have lost faith in that promise. With the rise of a small number of big tech companies — and governments using technology to watch their citizens — many people now believe technology only centralizes power rather than decentralizes it.
There are important counter-trends to this –like encryption and cryptocurrency — that take power from centralized systems and put it back into people’s hands. But they come with the risk of being harder to control. I’m interested to go deeper and study the positive and negative aspects of these technologies, and how best to use them in our services. This will be a serious year of self-improvement and I’m looking forward to learning from working to fix our issues together." -- Mark Zuckerberg, excerpted from his New Year's missive/resolution

Can you sense the fear in his writing, he's panicking not just from Snap stealing market share in the important younger demographics, but he's now realizing crypto-blogs like Steemit could threaten his business model MASSIVELY, as the power truly would be returned to the people who CREATE & CURATE Zuckerberg's content. And if you're reading this, bc you're on Steemit, you're already more knowledgable than he is on Steemit's threat to his business, and de-centralization.

Zuckerberg must be freaking out, bc Facebook is getting more and more unpopular with the younger generations, those under 40 years old. While he's now relying on Instagram to save him, that platform is under severe attack from Snap, and EVERYONE is now officially under attack by Steemit and any/other crypto-backed social startups.

We guess that the big powers will want to "OFF" or destroy crypto, and soon. Guys like Zuckerberg who marry hollywood stars and rub shoulders with rich and famous, don't wish to lose that power. There are going to be MANY who don't want crypto to change how their world works. Just remember this as the regulations are changed, as the Facebook's of the world attempt to squash the Steemit's of the world, or form their own competitor.

we think Zuckerburg will first try to clone Steemit, and when that fails he'll try to acquire it on the cheap. Since it will be hard to acquire a crypto-organization, if not unprecented, the only option to kill it will be to regulate it to death.
That requires political connections, if you get our drift. Think he doesn't have any? Think again.


Thank you for feeding my fantasy that FB will end up in the dustbin. I could read something like this every day and have a little more spring in my step for it. 😁

Facebook certainly has political connections. What I'm wondering, though, is does it have enough value to defend? Will regulators and politicians want to kiss that ring or spend any energy propping it up? I just don't know. Maybe, if the price is right.

I'm all skewed on this, though. After 8 months without touching Facebook, there is not a single moment I have an urge to go back. It's not like going without a phone or computer for a week -- that significantly impacts my ability to get stuff done in the real world.

At the end of the day, kettle-cooked potato chips have a much stronger hold on me than FB. I'm guessing if forced with a choice -- FB or chips -- many people would be like me. 😏

Game Over = The day FB doesn't allow you to turn off email notifications.

The increased neediness of FB was pretty evident this year -- the desperate emails to come back because old buddy Bob posted for the first time "in a while." Fortunately, FB still allows you to turn off email notifications. But when they don't? 💣💀

Man, just ate too many sea-salt-flavored kettle chips last night before bed-- at least it doesn't rot your teeth like ice cream!

As said in the article, you can BET Zberg is already working the political system to shut down crypto, bc if you're an indicator an using steemit but not Facebook, imagine 2 billion facebookers coming over in a wave to a base of 0.5 million steemers. It's coming.

Haha... I used to pick up a bag of those chips on the drive home from work. I'd open it up, blackout, and suddenly find myself in my driveway with an empty bag. Don't remember driving at all.

We will see what Mr. Faceberg is going to pull out of his hat. I think he should obey right now and start to create his first smart media token on the Steemit Blockchain. Because Steemit is totally going to explode this year. When the User Accounts are getting verified faster, the release of community features and the introduction of SMT this will be all over the headlines.

Guys like Zberg will either acquire something outright that's already popular, or they build their own and then threaten everyone in (crypto) power until they get on top of the food chain.

Not familiar with "SMT", pls define.

Interesting view. It makes sense to me. As a matter of fact, although I've been very active on facebook since I joined it in 2007, I'm investing 90% of my social media time on steemit now since I joined 15 days ago. Thanks for having such thought stimulating posts.

Correct, this is exactly our point, and what MZ fears most. aka YOU.

Good points, wonder if the Winklevoss's still hate his guts, or if they are having the last laugh?!
Wonder what Evan Spiegel thinks about all this? His app has more private features tho, hard to see him caring about this bc steemit is more public posts whereas snaps are mostly shared privately amongst friends and no one is going to get paid for private posts.

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