NEO Target $63.85 (139% Profit Potential)

in #bitcoin7 years ago


I'm bullish on NEO with a target of $63.85 or 139% profit potential! The below chart has updated Elliott Wave counts and chart patterns. The bullish flag fractals area quite uncanny (two sets of parallel channels). I've also relabled the blue wave 2 correction as a wxy and expect an impulse set of waves to start breaking towards and above the upper resistance line. The video analysis has tons more details!


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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**


In the words of Teddy Roosevelt..."“It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust, and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”....thanks for giving back will be judged by your merit and integrity by showing us how you failed and learned from your mistakes...cheers friend

your technical analysis are the best I have ever seen on the internet so far. you got my view and upvote!!!! thanks mate!

I wish you MASSIVE profits!

NEO will have transaction fees. For NEO immutability than availability from what I understand which implies all past information is safe. In a worst case scenario at this point in time when there are no fees, the network freezes. NEO can then locate the source of the issue, quarantine it (and possibly even fine the source) and then reboot the network. All I see is that in a worst case scenario the network is temporary out of operation. Nothing truly shocking as not much of real relevance is happening yet. In the future the NEO network might possibly also have a much easier time identifying the source of such activities and I believe in the future NEO even has a level of reversibility in select instances. Personally I am not concerned. It might even be a good thing as it implies a competitor takes NEO seriously enough to attempt to derail it temporarily. I'd rather have a few of the issues you describe than a DAO hack. Keep in mind though that the Chinese government throws ICO scammers in jail for life, but attempts to cause harm to legitimate blockchains likely will meet a similar fate if the Chinese government can get their hands on the perpetrators. Regulation of blockchains also means the legitimate ones are protected by law up to certain extents.

NEO is an absolute beast of epic future proportion and scale and that isn’t overhyping it.

I'd like to request a COSS analysis. It's very interesting to me for some reason. Thank you!

Still following these predictions. Are you able to make any predictions for what comes after these predicted bull runs based on the data? After $64, will NEO suffer a similar massive crash as the one you anticipate for Bitcoin? Or do you anticipate consolidation after? Same goes for your other altcoin bullrun predictions, really

Yes, and more to come on that crash once we've all taken our fillin MASSIVE profits.

Haha. I like your style H! Thanks for doing NEO. It's certainly a crowd favorite.

BCH has been very fun to watch. Thanks for getting our eyes on that before most other people caught on! Safex also started some slight positive movements today. Can't wait to take some profits in the coming weeks (fingers crossed).

Great work haejin!

I wish you MASSIVE profits!!

What I like about this analysis is that a trend reversal on NEO will be perfect for "buying the breakout", and giving people a pretty safe entry point. Should it breach the channel, I'll be buying the dip on wave 2 and riding 3-5 up.

Wonderful analysis.

I wish you MASSIVE profits!

Hey haejin. Thanks for posting all these great videos. I finally got accepted into the steem community. Is there any kind of timeline on your projections?

Timeline is Q1 of 2018 or so. Most likely earlier.

Do you mind having a look at whitecoin?

I am waiting on the KABOOM report for NEO among others. Wish you YUUGE profits!

Your analysis sounds very reasonable.. looking forward to watch more videos from you. I also hope NEO will soon go up..

I wish you MASSIVE profits!

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