Bitcoin price is manipulated by some whales and the SEC, via the CME Futures

in #bitcoin5 years ago

As I mention Bitcoin would rise today (from $6700 now at $7200), but why is it so easy to precily estimate those dates, as I did?

November 21: Always a Bitcoin Price Drop, because all people long positions are liquidated

November 25: Always a Price Up, so all people short positions are liquidated also, double the profit for the exchanges and people behind the scenes.

So the price of Bitcoin is manipulated by some whales holding about 50 billion dollars and the SEC, via the CME Futures:

Gary Cohn, believed that the launch of bitcoin futures would have the impact of popping the bitcoin bubble.

And it worked

Now you know, look back in the Bitcoin Chart and look at the price of Bitcoin at the 21th and 25th for each month starting in 2018.

Did you also notice that the large amounts of Bitcoin, currenlty 1824, do not have any effect on the Bitcoin price?
Why? Because they already bought 94.000 BTC before starting trading the futures.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 60097.61
ETH 3373.26
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51