Bitcoin Halving and After the Pandemic

in #bitcoin4 years ago


Well we are upon the Bitcoin Halving, the biggest Crypto event of the year and it brings with it the question, Will Bitcoin pump or dump? Most articles that I have read point to a steady increase in price after the event happens until some months from now Bitcoin hits new highs. I don't want that, I want Bitcoin to reach new heights tomorrow, and that it carry Steem along with it. Well I guess everyone here wants that, especially those who are powering down or those who have liquid Steem. For the rest it will just be a number, nothing they can do with it.

I hope this halving will be the start of a new world order in the financial markets with digital currencies becoming so much more important. You see I figure after this pandemic is over, and I am sure at one point it will be, it will open people's eyes and they will demand changes, I for one think the biggest change that could come about is the reduction in the size of governments.

The principal effect of this, to me, would be a reduction in taxes, especially the VAT, which is the one governments are used to increasing when they need more liquidity and then I think income tax, individual and corporate should run along the lines of the more you make the higher percentage you pay. I know people, who have been constantly bombarded with the free market hype, hate this, but why? Because an already rich person will not get as rich as he can now? We don't need billionaires, we do need a level table for everyone, not one where everything is in favor of the big guy.

I think it is time for everyone to share in the bounties of this earth, and I don't think the way forward is corporate welfare or popular welfare, it is an economy where everyone gets to live as he wants to, and I think crypto will play a role in this. But regardless of what I think I know this pandemic will bring about unforeseen changes that were only dreams not too long ago. Let's all hope for a better tomorrow.

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