Coins I picked #1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Good morning everyones! I was looking for a theme to post regulary/everyday regarding Trading, so what best that keeping an updated register of the coins that make My portfolio: BTC, ETH, XRP, XVG, SC and STEEM (I'll probaby add SBD in the near future)
Please do join Me in this travel trough learning and understanding not jujst these coins, but the whole cryptoworld

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Since this is the first chapter of this (hopefully) long lasting series I'm gonna start from point zero and describing each coin and why I picked it:


Well, I was thinking about not charting nor listing this one, since so many pro traders keep an eye on this masterpiece, but then again I remember what I think of BTC <- Read my post about, and couldn't leave it out.

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After Bitcoin, Ethereum was the biggest invention/discover in the cryptosphere (no shit, right?)
It oppened the door to a whole new world of possibilities by merging together contracts and blockchain.
As well as Bitcoin, when the world adopt the cryptos, these 2 will be valued for what they are really worth.

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All right, I know many will disaprove Ripple, and I almost don't list it, but I won't lie to You, I kinda have a thing for this coin, and I kinda hate myself since I hate banks and love any concept of anarchy, and Ripple is the exact oposite of it, but lets be honest, we are still in a time of developong this whole new universe, and banks are not ready to leave as Fiat currencys are still the vast majority in this game, so yes, I keep track of XRP since July 2017, and I always knew the potential it had.

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When I jump into the cryptotrain (Jully 2017) a lot of folks where saying that Verge would be the next Monero, Ultra-fast transactions, anonymous and privacy-focused, and fucking cheap! I didn't need any further thrill to adopt this little crypto as one of my most beloved, and I'm glad I did so <2+1

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From GitHub White Paper

Sia is an actively developed decentralized storage platform. Users all over the world contribute disk storage from their
computers to form a decentralized network. Anybody with siacoins can rent storage from this network, and hosts are
paid for their contributions. A combination of smart contracts, erasure coding, and encryption ensure secure, private,
and reliable decentralized storage. You can download and use Sia today!

What I value in a coin is the ability to drastically improve an existing project or that gives the world a whole new idea that can break through the crypto world by being unique, Siacoin have both.

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Steem? Pfff, lol, absolute trash, I just put it because I needed a random coin to complete half dozen...
ARE YOU SHITING ME?! Why would anyone WOULD NOT have #steem? Is like loving houses and hating windows! 99% of the world loves the social media, 100% of us loves cryptos, so STFU and buy as many Steem as possible! this asset will be as valuable as Spotify in a few months!
Hahaha sry, I just had to write that, I found out about Steem purpose and what realy is last mont (I've been on steemit longer, but just to read some articles, how stupid of Me) and if you read what i said before you've found that I have a thing for coins and ideas that are total breaktrough in this field. Steem is the future of social media.

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All right, now just a little graphic that's gonna be uptdated and improved in each serie abuot what is going on with each coin (all data I drop here is from Bittrex


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I'll most glad to revice any kind of feed, mostly on the last graphic, wich you'll be seing quite often.
Thta being said, I kindlt farwell you all untill the #2 of this saga! hope you've enjoy reading it <2+1


BTC: 3EebCjhqYqLFJAc9nPjPRKon6mUy2g3fvm
XVG: DBjhNUSUfAckqsW2km6UfKAC21fxF5DwRX
Ether: 0x019138468c8b8b3624de754c38a673421d121b00
Tether: Tether? LOL.


Nice portfolio! I am going long on BTC, LTC, and monero as of right now. Gonna add SBD soon though and the others I am swing trading. Followed you since I am a trader as well!

LTC looks super sweet and primising for 2018 and even 2019!
I don't quite fully understand SBD right now since i'm quite new to this... steemsphere? xD
And regardin monero, Is also a very strong and good choice, but for the moment My capital just let me diversify for so much :p

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 57979.07
ETH 3124.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.36