How I LOST 55 STEEM 😱 And Got To Retreive Them 😅 A Crypto-Enthusiast's First Steps.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Personally, with the STEEM and SBD rise, now seems the perfect moment to dive into the cryptoworld.


For sure Steemit is what got me into it and allowed to see how exciting opportunities this technology could offer. This morning I installed a Bitcoin Wallet from

Then went to blocktrades.

Went to the "receive" tab of the wallet and copied the address (the code under the QR code) and put it in the "receive address" in blocktrades.

After checking the transaction in the tracking section, it showed as confirmed but the money was not in my BTC wallet. Then I saw that this Bitcoin Wallet has both Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) wallets. When you go to the "receive" tab, by default it gives the address for the BCH. So it turned out I tried to convert STEMM to BTC which was sent to a BCH wallet. As the transaction was indicated as confirmed, I asked myself whether it is possible that my BCH address is the same as someone else's BTC. Sent an email to blocktrades support, even looked for help in the discord whaleshares channel. Luckily, my brother @rossenpavlov is more advanced in crypto. He is actually the person who got me into Steemit at first place. Bro explained that millions are lost in the blockain, so I just kissed my 55 STEEM goodbye.

Later, blocktrades replied that I can theoretically recover the BCH private key in the BTC wallet and retrieve the money. Tried that but it did not work, as the wallets shared the same private key. Went to FAQ and found the solution 🙈 You can read the article here. The first 9 steps did not work, but luckily the rest did.

  • Settings > Personal Wallet > More Options > Wallet Addresses
  • Tap 'Unused Addresses' at least 20 times / until you get an "Empty addresses limit reached" message
  • Tap 'Scan addresses for funds'
  • Your Bitcoin (BTC) will now appear in your BTC recovery or existing BTC wallet.

My brother helped me to setup an electrum wallets for BTC & Litecoin. He even sent me some for the holidays. I also transferred some STEEM to the BTC electrum wallet. Before I invest in Litecoin, brother suggested that I wait for STEEM to start dropping a bit, because it is still rising (Woop Woop!).


The horror with the Wallet continued though! Decided to convert the BTC to BCH, so I can invest in BCH also. Tried to do it internally in the wallet, by providing the BCH address in the recipient. Guess what happened? I was just charged for the transaction, but the money stayed in the BTC wallet. F*#k this! 😤 Transferred all that was left to the electrum wallet and honestly, my current association with BCH is BiCH. seems to be the evil sister of, which is the more-respected site. I do acknowledge that BCH is not to blame for me not paying enough attention to detail! Plus today is Monday. Most of my fails happen on that day, so whatever happens, I almost instantly accept it and blame it on poor Mr. Monday.

Hope this was as informative and fun as it was for me.

Steem on!

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yeah crypto has a few things to jump through before you get to the good stuff but in some ways that's education. you'll get there, once you know it it's super easy. it's a perfect time to get into crypto.

Right? I just feel it. So thankful to the platform. Haven't invested a penny and gives me the opportunity to dive into crypto :)

A story with a happy end :)

That is awesome. I have also made the mistake over the past several weeks of sending the wrong type of coin to the wrong type of address, yet to my surprise, most of it just didn't get approved by the blockchain and was automatically returned. Lucky me!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 61491.31
ETH 3387.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50