NEO, Are You The One?
NEO holders should be happy. Less than a month ago it was trading under $50, but it broke out with the recently rally and now trades around $120.
This is one I started writing about 7 months ago when it was still called Antshares. At the time it traded around $5.75. I followed up with articles here, here and here, each concluding that NEO was still a buy.
So what’s going on? Read on to find out.
The best way to understand what’s going on with NEO is to make the parallel comparison to Ethereum.
We saw Ethereum come out in 2016. It implemented the ERC20 token standard. And since then we’ve seen a proliferation of ICOs emerge from the Ethereum platform.
It makes sense. A token standard makes it easier for all parties involved. It makes it easy for the project or company developing the token. It makes it easier for the exchanges to list the tokens. And it makes it easier for services within the ecosystem to use all the tokens.
And let’s face it, it has done wonders for the price of ether, which is rallying yet again and now tops $1,200.
We just might see something similar play out with NEO.
Like Ethereum, they have their own token standard as well called NEP-5. And we’ve already seen a couple of ICOs debut on the platform. But the big wave is coming.
There’s now over 30 projects looking to ICO on NEO in 2018 with I’m sure more to come.
You can keep track with the NEO ICO Tracker, a handy Google spreadsheet put together by ByteSizeCapital. You can find them on Twitter @bytesizecapital.
That’s the news. It may not seem that significant with all the ICOs we’ve had already. But if it does for NEO what it did for ETH, we’ll see more gains ahead.
What are you doing with NEO at $120, buy, sell, or hold? I’m hodling.
I like that NEO can be programmed in regular coding languages which ETH only can be done with Solidity. But at moment, my top two coins in my portfolio is NEO and ETH.
I think both can be successful over the near term.
Which of the NEO ICOs do you think has great potential?
Thanks for sharing that list ... didn't even know existed and helpful to put togther all of the ICOs run off NEO.
THEKEY (TKY) is interesting.
its really exciting but I really think that Neo needs to learn alot moves from Dogecoin
I bad bought Neo with Doge :S
LOL ... Doge is crap coin
Lol, I'll take NEO over DOGE any day of the week.
Good post. The future looks bright for NEO as the NEP-5 token sales have gained traction Eg RPX, DBC, QLink etc
Thanks! So many projects and I want to look into them all... arrrggghhh!
thank for the crypto info @g-dubs
Definitely HODLing. There’s so much potential in NEO with their NEP-5 implementation. What’s your take on the current lot of ICOs on the NEO blockchain?
Agreed... I really haven't had a chance to look into all them yet... but it's on the list!
Great article! Very interesting and very well written I was actually doing my research on NEO so thanks for the info!
Thanks... we can always use more info on NEO, look forward to what you write.
Thanks! Me too!
Well many will sell at 120 because of the the uncertainties, it takes real believe to really hold.
Surely, that's what makes markets. I've thought of selling... but haven't so far... just a hodling
Haha then let's hold out for the better good!
Yea that and the GAS ;-p
I'm still holding the few neo I bought around $28. My only issue with neo is they like you to deal in whole coins. That makes it hard when it get really big. What do you think about that?
Agree that's an issue but I think it's a minor. Same problem on Binance. I hope they enable a sweep feature so you can cash out all your 'dust.'
I love NEO and proof of stake coins. POS vs POW, I believe POS wins hands down in the long run.
That's one of the hidden features... you can make good income w GAS holding NEO.