The Future of Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

"Bitcoin adoption could multiply the more people become aware of how much of their wealth is controlled by governments and the big banks."

– Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors and Chairman of HIVE Blockchain Technologies.

Dear Reader,

Frank Holmes, one of the smartest people I've ever met, just came back from Barcelona, where he was at the LBMA Precious Metals Conference.

His keynote address was voted the best, with the award being an ounce of gold.

Though I wasn't able to get my hands on the speech, here is a little of what Frank revealed, coming from his recent article about ICOs.

"Follow the Money

Metcalfe's law states that the bigger the network of users, the greater that network's value becomes. Robert Metcalfe, distinguished electrical engineer, was speaking specifically about Ethernet, but it also applies to cryptos. Bitcoin might look like a bubble on a simple price chart, but when we place it on a logarithmic scale, we see that a peak has not been reached yet."

To read Frank's entire article, click here.Frank is one of the reasons why we profiled HIVE Blockchain to you on September 18th for CAD$0.74 (up 406%).

To see this kind of focus with him, the Fiore Group, the team at Genesis Mining, Harry Pokrandt (CEO), and Olivier Roussy (Director) is unleashing the most competent blockchain and public markets team that could have been put together.

It's why I feel so strongly about taking an early position into HIVE.

Right now, they are hoarding the cryptocurrencies they mine, which I believe is a bet that could pay off big as we see new highs from the space.

This is still very early – the adoption of the blockchain is literally in its infancy!

Our Recommendation: Consider making HIVE Blockchain Technologies (TSXV: HIVE & US: PRELF) a core position in your cryptocurrency portfolio.

Best Regards,

Written by Daniel Ameduri for Future Money Trends 2017-10-26


To be honest, I believe that the above curve is not aggressive enough. It is my firm belief that cryptocurrency will replace the current physical currencies. If that is going to be the case, cryptocurrency is only on the very beginning of its journey. It's still in the early adopter state based on the market cap of cryptocurrency versus the market cap of currencies in general. If I'm correct, you will see a sharp increase in the rate of adoption starting in the 2021 time frame as we move out of the early adopter phase.

this is most powerful currency in the world

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