bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin 💰

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

This is great:

Tone Vays is sick. I don't know who the other guy is. But I love everything they say about Bitcoin, and pretty much in general.

We're social beings and I think are good at learning socially. At learning from what you pick up from other people, and not only from the specifics of what they say but the feel and overall vibe you get from it.

(Specifics are ultimately what matter. But it's a lot to sort out, and I feel like vibe is a useful shortcut. Almost like opening up a dim light on a whole room. And then from there you know where you may want to shine your flash light and microscope.)

And unfortunately there's so much poor feedback from people who are essentially useless on the topic, but still talk about it for whatever reasons. They're investors, they're on television, or maybe they're armchair Keynesians who are desperate to rationalize Bitcoin in a way that fits their wacky framework.

So most of the chatter out there is just untargeted noise, and not good social examples of people talking about Bitcoin.

So I think it can be nourishing to poke in on people who are actually good. Who are if nothing else intimately involved in the topic, rather than just passing by to try to rationalize it or something.

I like what he says @20:06, that for now the game is accumulation.

Very interesting.

The future of Bitcoin is that it's a globally used, trusted medium of exchange.

And the "game" of wanting to accumulate them wouldn't make any sense or be a thing if that wasn't the case. (If there wasn't some reason for them to ultimately have value.)

But right now, it's accumulating them. (It doesn't have real use as a medium of exchange yet. In some niche circumstances it does, but not generally.)

People often aren't good at conceptual thinking (or at least, aren't familiar and in the habit). And the future is essentially concept. It's infinitely many variables all dynamically changing around each other.

So they'll think in a practical or basic way about what's actually conceptual. They'll try to insert [Bitcoin filling all these roles that you talk about] while everything else is just like right now. And then in that case it doesn't fit or make sense.

So I guess what he's saying is that, in turn, he emphasizes what Bitcoin actually behaves like right now. That it's a game of accumulation.

I like it.

I like it in the sense of that's literally what it is, at the current moment.

Some ways to be good at the game are appreciating what Bitcoin can do (its potential) and that you should hold it, or reading the boom-bust patterns and making entries and exits, or shorter-term trading, etc. Everyone can have their different tactics.

Whales can try to influence market psychology.

For high-end banksters and world controllers, the game is totally different and complex. They have no shortage of money to throw at it, but they quickly become their own buyer. And they benefit from how things are now. For them it's a balance of accumulating more while not wanting to rush its advent or ward away from the current system sooner than necessary.

Whether or not you're playing, the game is afoot.

But, I wonder if this actually persuades people.

If you didn't understand or agree with the fundamental view of what Bitcoin is and why it makes sense to anticipate value, then "the game" would just seem like a pyramid scheme.

¯\ _ (ツ)_/¯

So I dunno.


shruggie man

But it's a cool way to describe it and to look at it.

I probably prefer to focus on the ultimate purpose and what causes it to have value.

🤔🤔 In general I don't think I like "tricks" or "techniques" to persuade people.

Seems kind of like doing liposuction in lieu of exercise.

I don't think it's good to be invested in the outcome of what another person thinks.

And a trick or technique, even if you're not gonna lose sleep over it, is an attempt at getting the outcome. So you're at least a little invested, and necessarily not at peace with how they organically make sense of it.

I'd rather just share things as they seem to me, and whatever degree of persuasion that happens to carry is probably just right.

Note that if you trick or technique someone into holding bitcoins, they don't have your full view of everything and your same attitude and feelings when it hits a downturn, and they can panic sell and just end up worse off. (And also bug you constantly about why it's doing this and what to make of that.)

So all the time tricking people is with mixed results, whereas time spent on fundamentals would persuade less people and give you less of those kicks but probably more good and more pleasure overall.

Wow that turned into a whole thing

thought I was just sharing a video but it became a thing




I'm not a Tone Vays fan but I'm going to watch this tonight nonetheless, maybe I'm just mad you're going to the Super Bowl lol.....maybe I'm mad he's a BTC maximalist? :)

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