in #bitcoin6 years ago

I'm a fan of Noam Levenson and enjoyed the Article, NEO versus Ethereum and have posted some of it below:
I was also made aware of the Chinese Exchange Binance which I have thrown some Crypto into.
Very quick & easy to create an account and painless to use.

So I think I'm going Chinese. Which tweaked my interest when I read the Article.

So Ethereum or Neo?
Neo is another Chinese venture.
And with all things Chinese, could be Crushed or Pumped by the Chinese
Levenson makes this quite clear and sees Neo as the Juggernaut Crypto Smart Contract go to, in the emerging smart contract Asian markets.
Using its Cryptocurrency Gas as it's, Gas.
So Neo is the Asian Etereum and Gas is the Ether for using the system for Smart Contracts.

I'm also a Big EOS fan. But I think there is room for them all.

I like the breakdown of the two coming heavyweights in the Article.

As a complete Cryptocurrency knob.
I do need something I can chew on.
When deciding to buy some exotic cryptos.

There are 1387 Cryptocurrencys listed on
And most are, to say it mildly, shite.
Scam Pump & Dump coins.
I will include Dogecoin in the shite category.
A joke coin now hitting the $Billion mark.
It has no other function but being a very expensive joke.

I will reserve my cash for Coins that actually do some stuff.
Or, are being used as a commercial coins.
I would include Dash & Litecoin in this list.

As It is my Post, I of course will push my view and my opinion.
(Everybody and their Uncle seems to be a Wannabe Crypto expert these days.)

I just heard Jeff Berwick on the Dollar Vigilante saying the high transaction fees and the slowness of the whole affair could kill Bitcoin.
I must say I have to agree. Moving around Bitcoin, seemly takes forever and the fees seem to increase.

Like the Mafia running a Casino in Vegas. Everybody seems to be skimming a piece of the Bitcoin action.

So the panicked Herd will stampede towards Coins that trade quicker and transaction fees that are reasonable.
Waiting 5 days to buy or sell Bitcoin, is a joke.

I think I will make some Posts on my view of some of these Cryptos and why I like them.
Some people are going to lose their shirt in this market. And they will call it all a giant Ponzi scam.
And for a lot of the newly launched Cryptocurrencies, they will be right.

Personally I use when I want to look up a Cryptocurrency.
Check whose behind it. Are they known to the community.
It's what I would call,"Logic For Ducks."

End result I have come to is, "Believe The Hype"
This Cryptocurrency/Smart Contracts is happening , whether Bitcoin stands or falls, whether people dismiss it or not.
It's like Climate Change, it is happening. And it is happening as I write these word.

With more and more Companies starting to use AI Learning machines, CryptoConcurrency and Smart Contracts will be a perfect fit.

Anyway I digress, NEO & Gas, seem to have a future.

What do the rest of the Steemites think?

Read on:
NEO versus Ethereum: Why NEO might be 2018’s strongest cryptocurrency:

If Ethereum is Goliath, NEO is David. If Ethereum is Brad Pitt, NEO is Brad Pitt’s cousin, Zach Pitt—younger, better dressed, and more talented — but right now relegated to serving cocktails to Brad and his friends while he acts on the side. Ethereum did it first. It was revolutionary and exciting and took the crypto world by storm. Web 3.0. Today almost every ICO is built on Ethereum’s ERC20 token platform and Vitalik Buterin is one of our time’s greatest minds. Yet if we’ve learned anything from the fact that Alibaba is closing in on Amazon’s market cap and WeChat dominates China’s social media scene, it’s that China plays by their own rules. The Land of the Red Dragon uses their own technology, their own networks, and cares little for what the U.S. is doing. The question is, can NEO compete with Ethereum, and does it even need to?

Ultimately, NEO and Ethereum are aiming for similar roles in the crypto community. Both want to be platforms for the new internet: for DApps (Decentralized Applications), ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), and smart contracts.

Overview of Ethereum and Neo
While both NEO and Ethereum have generalized blockchains that provide a toolbox for would be developers, their objectives differ. I would summarize each platform’s objectives as such:

Ethereum’s goal is to create a platform for the development of DApps in order to create a “more globally accessible, more free, and more trustworthy Internet:” an internet 3.0.

NEO is a blockchain project “that utilizes blockchain technology and digital identity to digitize assets, to automate the management of digital assets using smart contracts, and to realize a “smart economy” with a distributed network.”

Ethereum: Ethereum’s goal is to be the platform for DApps and they are largely accomplishing this. They own the DApp market right now. Their roadmap is all about giving users and developers more control and more options in developing their applications.

NEO: NEO is working towards developing a product for the future. It not only rebranded from Antshares to NEO in June of 2017, but they refocused their marketing as well — with enormous success. Neo’s objective, while ultimately utilizing many of the same technologies as Ethereum, is to be the platform for a new smart economy.

In short: Ethereum is developing in response to new demands. NEO is developing their platform in anticipation of future demands.

What is a Smart Economy?
The biggest difference between NEO and Ethereum is NEO’s focus on a smart economy. If we want to fully understand NEO, we need to understand why this distinction is important.

A smart economy will feature digitized physical assets. All of these newly digitized assets will have proof of ownership in the blockchain. These assets can be sold, traded, and leveraged through smart contracts. Their ownership can be protected and validated through the decentralized model of the blockchain. We’ve already seen iterations of this: from proposed supply chain overhaul to DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations — essentially decentralized companies without a leader). I offered some real world examples of this economy in this article. Now while Ethereum will likely support many of the same capabilities that NEO has, the distinction between Ethereum and NEO’s objectives is what we care about.

Read the Whole Article:

Images Courtesy of Pixabay


Great write up, Tells you everything you need to know. Thank you for posting.

Thanks for giving it a read

Seperti Mafia yang menjalankan Casino di Vegas. Semua orang sepertinya sedang menggelapkan sepotong tindakan Bitcoin. @franks...Terus terang, saya tidak begitu mengerti bagaimana bitcoin itu berjalan, tapi saya suka kata-kata yang Anda katakan tadi.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to give it a read.

Quoted this !

"There are 1387 Cryptocurrencys listed on
And most are, to say it mildly, shite.
Scam Pump & Dump coins.
I will include Dogecoin in the shite category.
A joke coin now hitting the $Billion mark.
It has no other function but being a very expensive joke."

How will I know if the coins are scam pump or dump coins?

I need to learn more about this.. Thanks for this blog post very helpful.

Thanks for giving it a read. Check out who is behind the Coins. Are they known to the community. Is the Coin another very bad copy of Bitcoin. You can make money on these Pump & Dump. If you have money to burn.
You need to be dumping when you have made your profit. But most of the decent Cryptos will gain even after a big fall. So the idea is you hang on to those as the profit is in the long term.

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