Bitcoin sale pressure again, nearly 4 months low fear continue to explore the bottom 比特币卖压再起,荡近 4 个月低恐继续探底

in #bitcoin6 years ago

比特币继上周日跳水逾一成后,周二卖压再度涌现,盘中一度失守 6,500 美元关口,逼近 4 个月新低。
路透社报导,比特币目前报 6,551.48 美元,较前个交易日下跌 4.7%,近 4 个交易日有 3 日走跌。今年迄今,比特币累计跌幅来到 53%。
韩国虚拟货币交易所 Coinrail 上周末遭骇,有约三成的虚币被盗,估计损失约 400 亿韩元,或相当于 3,728 万美元,虽然金额不高,但虚拟货币交易平台的安全问题再度受到质疑。
比特币受此事件影响,币值已跌掉近 1,000 美元,整体虚拟货币市值则削去超过 400 亿美元。
CNBC 报导,虚拟货币交易员 Ran Neu-Ner 认为比特币尚未落底,还有再往下探新低的可能,接下来将测试 6,250 美元的支撑,若跌破将继续往下测试 5,900 美元。
Bitcoin, which jumped more than 10% last Sunday, sold again on Tuesday. It lost $6500 in the session, approaching a 4 month low.
Reuters reported that bitcoin is currently trading at $6551.48, down 4.7% from the previous trading day, and 3 days in nearly 4 trading days. So far this year, the cumulative drop in bitcoin has fallen to 53%.
South Korea's virtual currency exchange (Coinrail) was horrended over the weekend, with about 30% of the money stolen, estimated to lose about 40 billion won, or $37 million 280 thousand. Although the amount is not high, the security of the virtual currency trading platform is again questioned.
Bitcoin was affected by this event, the currency value has dropped nearly $1000, the overall virtual currency market value is cut more than 40 billion U.S. dollars.
CNBC reported that Ran Neu-Ner, a virtual currency trader, said bitcoin has not yet fallen to the bottom, and it is likely to go down to a new low, and will be tested for $6250, and if it breaks, it will continue to test $5900.

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