Why do people buy Bitcoin?

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I'm just sitting here thinking why do people keep buying Bitcoin?

yenThinking.... hmmmm......

There are so many other coins out there that are so much more advanced. Bitcoin is blockchain 1.0, it's old and slow. Maybe it's even taken over by banks, who knows, transaction fees are through the roof. Yet people still buy them. I want to know why.

So I asked questions in my head and write them down on Steemit. Hopefully any of you guys would be able to answer.

Why Bitcoin?

With high transaction fees, it does nothing but sits there. Why can't they lower transaction fees?

Why are they taking their time?

Why didn't they agree to Segwit2X?

Lightning this lightning that, when does it actually gets used in Bitcoin?

Do people just buy it and HODL because John McAfee made a bet that it will reach 1M per bitcoin in the future? He is very influential after all. He says a coin is undervalued, next minute, no, next seconds, that coin will get pump hard.

I have more questions but can't think of it right now. Where do you sit regarding Bitcoin?


Maybe because widely used with debit cards

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency till now. Everyone knows about it. It has high value, the first one.

Bitcoin transaction cost is high. People are looking for alternative to make transactions. Future might be different since people keep learning more about cryptocurrency and blockchain.

I own bitcoin because like kleenex is to tissue, or clorox to bleach, so bitcoin still is to crypto.

If bitcoin drops by half, then they fix, it will rise. If they adopt some hash graph like technology, all their current problems are over (no segwit or lightening req'd) and they will again dominate the market. I say buy at $8500 because I believe the NYA group still can and will do the right thing.

tl;dr: Because branding.

really as you say, I should learn first

Glad new year! 2018 will be an incredible year. What an adventure it has been with Steem. We both have seen a considerable measure over the previous year or something like that. This undertaking has shown me to such an extent. The things I have learned are worth more than any measure of cash en route. I see the world in an entirely different manner after all I have learned since beginning with Blockchains. I truly trust the world is moving into a superior place. In the expressions of the colossal Naveen Jain we as a whole should "have an outlook of plenitude". This blockchain can be a device to change the world for good and show individuals numerous things if utilized as a part of the correct way. Information is power and It will be a blockchain loaded with learning. The Steem blockchain is getting more grounded by the day. We have seen some astounding development since this blockchain began and I know this is just the begin. When we have a completely refined item it will have the capacity to do things we cannot envision yet. The expansion of SMTs into the blockchain will intrigue and will change the way we consider the web and what is conceivable. Groups and discussions are a gigantic piece of the web. The conceivable utilizations of SMTs are stunning to consider. With Steemit and Steem we are now rolling out improvements in places that need it and offering assistance to those in require. Envision what's on the horizon for us and this blockchain. We additionally have an incredible group behind this blockchain. That is one of the principle reasons I put my BTC into this task over a year prior in the wake of discovering it on the Bitcointalk gathering and faltering onto Steemit through google look through a couple of times (accidentally hunting down different things). I at that point started some examination and saw @dan talking a couple of times about Steem. At that point saw @ned talking on YouTube and on CheddarTV and knew instinctively then he was resolved to make something extraordinary. Its awesome to see designers as you doing extraordinary things for the eco framework also @exyle with things like Steemify and Blockbrothers. Cheerful New Year again.Lets take Steemit and Steem to the following level in 2018!

Cool post. You should blog that. Answer my questions though.

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