Tennesse passes “anti-crypto” investment language for retirement funds —- but the blockchain is “ok”

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/tennessee-new-legislation-prevents-crypto-retirement-funds-while-legalizing-blockchain


Makes sense....that Tennessee would pass a law not allowing companies with defined benefit pension plans to invest in cryptos.

  • In Japan crypto is legal currency
  • Arizona passes a law you can pay your state taxes in crypto
  • Goldman and others are opening crypto trading desks and JP Morgan is getting into the exchange business
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has rule that crypto’s are legally a “commodity” and capital gains apply —- let the record show that Commodities are indeed a recognized asset class in investments. Gold is commodity. Silver is a commodity.

I can go on and on....my point is that is not “premature” to make such a ruling and a dis-service to the good people of Tennessee that as our currency goes thru devaluation or we suffer serious inflation, that the companies who care for workers retirement plans cannot provide some level of diversification and investment perfromance.

Last time I looked....US Pension Plans were in the gutter. What was Bitcoin’s return in 2017?

I would think there would be some serious lawsuits over this as the months go by and crypto’s move higher.

Just my thoughts....


It should be up to each individual what to do with their money, but it's becoming more and more like their money not ours

This is the way governments control...through money....this is the threat to them.

For future viewers: price of bitcoin at the moment of posting is 9650.00USD

So much ignorance in the government institutions lol 😆
They will never get it 🤪😂😁

Agree 100%....they will soon see :-)

Rules, regulations, laws mandates, codes, rulings, edicts, orders, ETC. ....Lot of words to stifle FREEDOM.

They do that the best.

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