Ripple - the “banker coin” — higher on momentum — watch out

in #bitcoin7 years ago



The new momentum craze for crypto traders (according to Forbes article) is Ripple as the “bankers choice crypto) has risen from sub $.50 to $2.50 in a matter of weeks.

I wonder where CNBC and all news outlets are warning of a 500% increase in weeks ???? I guess a banker coin is treated a little different.

Why anyone who understands that Bitcoin/Litecoin etc.... are a “bank bypass” move money into a Bank coin is a “head scratcher”.

You can see what happens when any coin runs hard takes a big correction. Just be aware of this.

Long term — banks as a whole will be challenged with their business model. I guess that would include Ripple if that is the main user base.

Good luck to everyone in 2018



Ripple (XRP) will be used for its speed for transferring money across borders.

XRP's market cap is pretty high, so any price corrections shouldn't be that severe, especially after it starts gaining more adoption.

I also think their digitial payment platform will be used by major companies which will help it maintain and keep value.

We will see how it all pans out. I know the banks are looking to stay in business long term. And on the other side people who believe in the Bitcoin/litecoin model don’t want an intermediary. There will be plenty of room for all.

Yes not to mention the more decentrailzied 'purist' model of Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Many choices for whatever a person truly needs:-)

That is the beauty of it all. It will be interesting to jump ahead five years from now to see which coins are still around, and which new technology and implementation has not yet been thought of yet.

Your writing is very interesting.
But I want to ask you, what do you think about the development of 2018 bitcoin price in the future?
I just want to survey some people

Thank you. I think we are in the early stages of awareness , early adopter stages. If you think of maybe 2-3% of the world today is aware and slightly invested, imagine a 6-7% number by the end of 2018...and 13% by 2019. And then understand that BTC & LTC are limited in circulation — they are deflationary currencies — so the greater the use, greater the awareness will have a higher price that is hard to fathom. It’s “network adoption model — like an S curve — not a bubble”....anywhere from $60k to $100k is possible. This is not investment advice.

Very interesting!
Thank you so much for your answer!

Most welcome

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