My First Attempt At Coin Trading... FAIL!

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I don't have much crypto. I joined the party very late - you can see my steem wallet and it is not "phat." I took a little bit of what I have made here and converted it to a tiny fraction of a bitcoin about a month ago. Today, about half an hour ago when BTC was at 17K, I tried to use "shapeshift" to convert a little to ethereum. I could not make it work. I tried ethereum classic, no luck. I tried litecoin, still would not shift.

It is all learning curve, I don't mind "missing" that trade, but I am not sure what I did wrong. I just watched ANOTHER youtube step by step tutorial, and I appear to have done everything correctly. Any of you old hands have any ideas what went wrong? Is there a problem with shapeshift today, or is BTC so volatile right now that nothing is moving?

THANK YOU for any comments, and I will say up front I KNOW that you are not offering "financial advice" - simply your thoughts.


Never too late as this wild west rodeo is just in it's infancy.

Lol! Nice analogy. I feel a little like I am strapped onto the bitcoin bull who is buckin' like all hell, but it seems I am in for the full ride, can't get off!

Me too! Today was fun! Hell, still is.

Hmm. Are you saying that you sent STEEM (or SBD) to shapeshift, and never got the coins back that you were purchasing? Because if that's the case, then it sounds like you might have lost the STEEM (or SBD) that you sent.

You may want to contact their support, if that's the case. Good luck! This is somewhat complicated but you're in good company. :)

No, no, nothing like that! I have a Jaxx wallet, and I tried to "shapeshift" a little of my bitcoin into ethereum. Nothing happened. I lost no bitcoin, I got no ethereum.
What do you think about the PETRO?! That is a crazy development!

When I read it I almost fell out of my chair, laughing! For so long (since 1971) the US has had only the "petro-dollar" backed by "full faith and credit" plus violence (military might).

They wrecked so many economies using that (I really enjoyed the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", which spells it out) -- it's very interesting to see one of those economies striking back. With a crypto-currency, named for what is backing the US's paper! :D

Also the CBOE's Bitcoin futures just came out about 4 hours ago, very interesting price movement since then! Up $1,200 in the first 5 minutes! Then down $500, before the first candle ticked away at WEX (they use 15-minute candles -- and, that's where the "trollbox" is).

I made an ETH transaction the day before yesterday, saw the coins in my wallet (Exodus) yesterday, then started doing something with them and they disappeared! Went back to where they had been sent from, and they were still there. That's never happened to me before. But at least they were somewhere... :)

Oh that is a little scary! We are finally getting enough of a cryptonestegg to start getting serious about security!

Can't help you - trying to figure it out myself - but I am nominating your for the sevenday black and white photo challenge. Going to leave a link to my post with you - then you can copy. If you want to do it - no pressure.... okay not to do it...

Man, I don't know how I miss so many replies! Thanks for the nomination, I will get started tomorrow!

I do too. No worries

Got one posted, a little late is all lol!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63811.50
ETH 2617.28
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.77