How really decentralized is Telos, the EOSIO software fork?Lets look at Appointed Block Producers (ABPs); Part 7.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

From the Teos whitepaper, "The Appointed Block Producers are the Block Producers charged with the Launching of the Telos network. Initially, when the Telos whitepaper was written, 6M TLOS was going to be paid to 6 ABPs but after this elicited concerns about the centralization of these rewards, the TLG established a Telos Founders Rewards Pool (TFRP) that will be distributed amongst a broader range of participants based on their contributions including the ABPs." This approach better distributes the rewards and also encourages new partners to join the group throughout the launch process, rather than just in the beginning. The members of the TLG have joined working groups to organize their efforts. Each member’s contributions will be tracked week-to-week in order to determine their share of the TFRP.

The Telos Launch Group had a checklist that needed to be met before voting to launch the network. Once the checklist was met, the vote was unanimous. A launch team was selected. The selected network launch team is comprised of six block producers chosen by the TLG, collectively known as Appointed Block Producers (ABPs). This small, experienced launch team is comprised of Kainos BP, Caleos, BlindBlocArt, EOSBarcelona, EOSMetal, and Telos Venezuela. Upon launch initiation, the rigorously tested launch script will randomly select one of the six geographically dispersed APB nodes from California, USA, Iceland, Spain, Singapore and Venezuela. that will, in fact, launch the network.

It was great to see that the ABPs that were selected to launch the network were from different geographical locations so that the nodes needed in launching the network were not condensed in a specific location. Again let's take a look at the definition of decentralization.

According to Wikipedia, "Decentralization according to Wikipedia is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group."

The ABPs fulfilled this definition above. Eventually, Telos Launch Group (TLG) which included the ABPs has disbanded and all those ABPs are now competing to be elected as Block Producers for the active Telos Mainnet. It is good to see friendly competition going on. Finally though, everyone is in competition, everyone is still working for the good of Telos because as the saying goes, we all rise or fall together!

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