
Damn right! If people want to risk their money to get rich overnight, go buy a lottery ticket.

Big money is watching the panic setting in. They know how market psychology works. Unfortunately people do not know that they are dancing for the puppet master.

This is why I would NEVER invest a penny of my own money in crypto that has no tangible asset to it; and, btw, why I give thanks to God for Steemit...

The few pennies I've earned on this platform, have allowed me to try my hand at trading. It's taught me that crypto, in and of itself, has a huge 'shady', ahem...'shade' over

There are a few assets with actual coins attached, Binance comes to mind. These are investments worth looking into.

Until BTC has more to offer than deposits and withdrawals, it will always be 'gravitational'. It's a bit late for telling those who took out mortgages to buy in; but, they wouldn't have listened to me anyway...The hype was tooooooooooooooooo loud.


I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

No offense...but this is way over my comprehension level in context of discussion.


Haha, epic!