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RE: So True Man... So True.

in #bitcoin6 years ago

So you've made mistakes? So what! We've all been there.

As a stock market analyst I've had my fair share of mistakes and losses but I never gave up !

For 25 years I've been at it and 15 at a loss, the last 5(Investing in gold stocks) have returned and average of 500% after tax.

I've only been in cryptos a year, have made significant profits in LTC 700% and XRP 600% and Currently holding BTS 30%.

The hardest thing i found to overcome was mindset. You will recover and learn from your mistakes and be all the better for it. Good Luck.


Thank you man I appreciate your kind words but crypto will never recover like the stocks did. Believe me I am not bothered about making mistakes... I don't even care about the money I lost because I never put in much of my overall wealth.

Overcoming mental errors is 100% the hardest for investing in real stuff like stocks and gold and silver, etc. But the idiots in this market HODL regardless of how bad the future looks... what kind of investing strategy is that? It is sheer ignorance! FUD is a coping mechanism for people against real issues that are threatening their crypto buying decision. Cryptocurrency market is the worst cult I have ever seen... price can drop like a fly from 20k to 8k and people say it is normal LOL!

Price is only even as high as 8k because manipulation and fraud is still rampant and what happens then when the regulations hit? The price doesn't get artificially inflated anymore and the bubble finally bursts like it should have already! I just hope people haven't invested all of their money or even worse went into to debt to buy this scammy shit!

Fair comment but let me correct you. The stock market is not real stuff, neither is the fiat dollar, derivatives or rehypothecated paper gold and silver. Physical gold and silver is real money and commodity, moreover, nothing is safe from govt not even your dollars in the bank. Have you heard of the bail in laws? The currency Act? Absolutely Nothing!

The secret is not to be fore or against, it is to learn to ride the situation whether cryptos or equities like a cork does a wave.

I never said it was easy. You have passion(another word for anger:-) Use it wisely :-) cheers

Very true but the fiat dollar is backed by the people in power, crypto won't ever be backed by the people in power because it would transfer wealth away from them and they can't control the money supply anymore, that is my main point overall.

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