Why it does not matter who invented bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Because the personality and character of the inventor of something extremely valuable is not so important. Or not at all important.

Why are still many media trying to find out who is hiding or hiding under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto? What in this information is valuable? The public already knows what bitcoin is, knows by what principle its work is built, and the software code is known and how to make money on bitcoins is also known. Therefore, the mission to find the creator is ridiculous and useless.

The future is here, and the information about who made it closer is secondary.

Crypto-currencies and take-off of bitcoin today are not discussed only by the lazy one. Most of them took to themselves and became fired with the idea of ​​earning money on crypto-currencies. But "mine" is already late and extremely time consuming, investments are an unjustified risk and only trading makes it possible to earn on a crypto currency, which is characterized by increased volatility. It is the traders who are given the opportunity to earn on the rise and fall of the crypto currency, without having much money.

The simplest and most understandable definition of bitcoin, and in general the crypto currency, is their representation as an analogue of electronic money (for example, Yandex.Money, PayPal), the main difference lies in the technology of blocking, which underlies the functioning of the crypto currency. Blocking is literally translated as a "chain of blocks", where each of the blocks is involved in transaction confirmation, and any transaction is irreversible and unchangeable, the history of all transactions is stored by each participant of the network, which ensures full transparency of all operations, since information is open to all.

No one is surprised that the cost of bitons is increasing tremendously every day, but sooner or later the bubble should burst, as the number of possible bitcoins is limited, and according to estimates, the bulk of them will be produced by 2034, so you need to be ready for a sharp jump in the rate of 30% -50% of the current rate.

When investors are in a panic from the falling bitcoin, traders will be calm, because trading involves earnings both in the growing and falling market.

Trading CFD (contracts for the difference) on bitcoin is gaining popularity among professional and novice traders. CFD for bitcoin allows you to trade on the dynamics of prices without actually owning them. The most important advantage of trading CFD is getting rid of the problems associated with registering a purse, buying and storing bitcoins, which automatically makes this type of earnings convenient and simple.

It is only necessary to choose a reliable intermediary who will take on all the difficulties in implementing the CFD trade. Here you should pay attention to the large international companies that are present on the market for a long time.

The international financial holding FIBO Group provides the opportunity to trade CFD for bitcoin and other six crypto-currencies. Trading is carried out through the classic and popular trading platform MetaTrading4. You enter and withdraw funds through your trading account MT4 NDD No Commission, which guarantees the reliability of operations under the protection of an adjustable broker, which excludes absolutely all risks of possession of bitcoins.


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