Oddly Enough

in #bitcoin7 years ago

They probably do not like Crypto

  • “Our current ruling class is made up of extremely rich people who owe their wealth to fractional reserve banking and the current monetary system. Their wealth and power are dependent on the flow of money from the Federal Reserve to Wall Street banks to multinational corporations. The banks and corporations use debt money supplied by the Fed to siphon off the wealth of the people.”

Ever wonder why audit the Fed never happened?

Ever wonder why suddenly so many government officials are expressing concern about Crypto?
Ever wonder why suddenly they want to regulate it?

Gee...I dunno.

I can't figure it out myself. Big mystery.


@everittdmickey. some great utube video's giving a unique explanation of why the world economy has screwed the middle class are given by Mark Blyth. He predicted trump winning and brexit, some scottish guy with some really good insights, I would recommend if you want a pretty good perspective on how we all got screwed in the u.s. He leans left, but has some pretty interesting insights despite that. Be sure to check out his talk on the elephant graph.

Once you see the whole picture...it becomes obvious. Wall Street and especially the commodities market is a giant rigged casino.

certainly it's rigged.
and there is no way to fix it.
the only solution is to go around them.
make them irrelevant.
first internet, then Block chain and soon...meshnet.

Goooo MESHNET...
I am still waiting for the other shoe to drop .... The regulation or bill to be passed that gives the powers that be oversight on it all....

actually it's looking favorable.
wi-fi and 'low power radio' like bluetooth have pretty much been deregulated.

I love this double edged sword. One the one side we have difficulty for the general population to get into bitcoin and on the other side we have these political wealth hacks unable to move their ill gotten wealth over the to new system. I think the show, watching TPTB bug eye over their loss is worth the backlog, is worth it. I truly truly HOPE they build their own crypto world and watch it crumble, while the REAL crypto world explodes around them. YEAH ripple! May their ripple become a tsunami of drainage, while we all watch them drowned.

Greed destroys absolutely!

Credit rating? I'm sorry I have no idea what you're talking about.

Federal Reserve/ Central Banks - what an insane idea to give a private company the power to print the countries currency and then charge interest on it.

why would it be better to allow a government to do it?

Well until the Federal Reserve the government printed the currency and did not pay interest on it. I would, of course, prefer to have no government money and I hope we see that one day soon.

At one time, not too long before the federal reserve, banks printed their own currency. That MIGHT be why there were called bank notes. What they were in reality were the monetary equivalent of ware house receipts. The banks had your money...you presented them with a bank note, they gave you the equivalent in gold or silver.

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