Money, money, money, must be funny in a rich man's world

in #bitcoin8 years ago


Firstly, my confession, or admission: I loathe the word 'cryptocurrency' - it just sounds dodgy.

This Rothschild quote has oft been repeated. It is also true.
"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."

The thing with these people is that they do not really stand for anything. The Rothschilds struck it rich - big time rich - during the Napoleonic wars. He was the first to get a scout back in London who told him that the British, under the Duke of Wellington, had won the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

Rothschild was not worried that he had financed both sides. His only concern was whether to buy or sell bonds. He virtually cornered the market and not only did he fill his (Wellington) boots but he also gained the recognition which hitherto he had been denied by the likes of Barings and so forth.

The US similarly backed Hitler, the scumbags. Hence why the UK got such a rotten deal at the end of WWII.

Hunting with the foxes and chasing with the hounds is a Rothschild trait.

This week the Bolivian President, amusingly named Morales, denied any Rothschild Bank into his country. Now the US taxation system is questioning the use of cryptocurrencies as tax avoidance mechanisms.

In the past three to five years, the world has flocked to the US dollar for safety. It could be time to hop back to gold - money is flooding out of China and seems to be flooding out of the USA.


The only big problem, as I see it, is that economies just simply do not work if the system is starved of cash. This liquidity is seriously vital to the viability of an economy.

Back to the point. The Rothschild dynasty and the US banks, led by the Federal Reserve, a private company largely owned by ... the Rothschilds amongst others, are the biggest threat to the stability of the world today. People get shot for saying such things but the temperature gauge is rising. The lid is rattling upon the top of the pot.

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