Vital Information for Crypto-hunters... What Ron Paul On Dollarvigilante Did Not Say

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

What is the TRUE opinion of Ron Paul on cryptocurrencies? 

Ron Paul's answer on the dollarvigilante has been very astute, or was he just double talking?  Let the market choose is the mantra of any true anarchist... even when one foresees a negative outcome?   Why has Ron Paul not stated his own very conclusion... why is dollarvigilante not talking about it? 

 Aug 17 2017 | Why Cryptocurrencies Will Never Be Safe Havens  AND

Ron Paul does not think of Bitcoin as ‘true money’

   Christoph Marckx  on 18/04/2014

Here is something that was posted yesterday and what should have gotten a lot more attention. All booms have been characterized by an overwhelming optimism -- mania -- and it this one does fit to fit such a landscape. 

In 1996 the NSA (that’s right, a government agency) published a  White Paper titled, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS  ELECTRONICCASH.  And in this white paper, analysts and researchers  laid out the entire breadth and scope of replacing cash and other fiat  currencies with a completely digital one, based on anonymous  cryptocurrencies. 


 ...... A ghost, “named” Satoshi Nakamoto developed bitcoin – no one  knows if  this is a person, a tadpole, a group of people, a space alien  or an  NSA/CIA operative, but, it is accepted, on blind-faith, that it  is a  person, a man of Japanese origin. This story, which is akin to a   fairy-tale because it is only a story since no one has ever seen this   “person” or provided any photographic evidence or any published works   outside of the bitcoin illusion. I am suppose to believe “he” gave us   the keys to the kingdom that will “save us from the banksters”. Is this   the story that I am suppose to believe and place my families wealth  and  security in this mechanism? Seriously?  



RonPaul Ron Paul tweeted @ 17 Aug 2017 - 15:45 UTC

Why Cryptocurrencies Will Never Be Safe Havens…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

A lot of people say bitcoin is not a currency. A lot of people have said bitcoin will fail.

So far, they are all wrong. 8 years being wrong is a pretty long time to be wrong...

the objective of this post was to tell about a BIAS committed by dollarvigilante, presenting Ron Paul as bullish about cryptocurrencies, what Mr Paul is NOT... so here we go, inflating optimism, and I dont find it ethical.

it just went through a bust a few weeks ago... meaning that more busts may be expected... and the higher it goes the bigger the busts will be.... just like fiat or even PM's . ALL SYSTEMS GO THROUGH BOOM AND BUST CYCLES because

  1. irrational optimism
  2. the collusion between the money-managers
  3. media biases, just like dollarvigilante

Most people do not learn from history, they just want to earn more than what they put in... 1000s of years of much of the same... in this case the NSA itself may be managing the whole scheme. It appears.

what are 8 years in the life of a currency? You surely are among the optimists, I can tell

As a whole, I am convinced that speculation (expecting more return that what one put in) will drive this world off of the cliff. Wealth always remains the same, it just changed hands (using tricks) like I explained to you a gazillion times already

Bitcoin has gone through boom and bust cycles.

I am basing my optimistic outlook on strong economic laws. Laws that have held up for thousands of years, so...yea...optimistic.

In fact, there is much more wealth today than a thousand years ago. It has been created by the labor and smarts of many people. That is why the standard of living for a poverty level person today is higher than that of kings in medieval times. You are completely wrong on this and it is easily demonstrated.

You are sadly misinformed, and I think this is the reason for your pessimistic outlook. You could make your life better if you only tried, instead of sitting around worrying about when the robots will take over.

The more you talk the more you sound like a troll.... strong economic world is awash with debts... global debt = 5 times GDP and counting.... 1 dollar today = 2 cents... strong economic law. You suffer from irrational exuberance, The world cannot even pay its debt back. That is REALITY. But you will not deal with. Disinfo?


Global Debt Has Risen by $57 Trillion Since the Financial Crisis, Which Is Scary

I am not sitting around, I am staring a movement that will show why expecting to get more than what one puts in is not only a monetary but a philosophical fallacy

You are being gamed and do not even realized it, watch that if you dare.

Bitcoin rising in price has zero to do with debt. Bitcoin has zero debt. It is a 100% backed asset. It is like gold, either you own some, or you don't. No fractional reserve, no central bank to fuck people over.
It is decentralized, out of reach of government regulations. Global debt and government mismanagement is why bitcoin was created in the first place. So by mentioning all this debt , and mismanagement of the dollar by the federal reserve, you are actually a fan of bitcoin without even realizing it. :)

strong economic law, buying bitcoin with currencies that are worth peanuts? When the global monetary power has lost 47%

decentralized? really then drop a note to the NSA that has created cyprtocurrencies then

do the math... strong economics. That are because of people like you, irrational optimists, that we have had the mother of all debt boom. You kids and grand kids will pay for that...

speculation is plain evil... money must circulate only, once it is amassed for the sake of wealth and power, then sh*t happens.

You can buy gold with crappy fiat currency, so what? You can buy a car or house with crappy fiat currency, so what?

The value of every fiat currency throughout history has settled to its real The fractional reserve nature of government money is the main reason for all the corruption and misapplication of funds. Fiat currency distorts the market. Inflation of the money supply is a tax on everyone that benefits the government and government cronies. All these things are very bad.

Bitcoin has NONE of those qualities. As more and more people realize this fact, more and more people want it. So, the price rises. Limited supply and rising demand means rising prices. The law of supply and demand.

You can buy gold with crappy fiat currency, so what? You can buy a car or house with crappy fiat currency, so what?

we are in this mess because of people like you, who only see "their little bubble of reality" and

unless there is a massive debt jubilee worldwide, the biggest losers will be our kids and grandkids. But a massive war that ends up killing 1-3 billion could also do the job and it looks like a probability today

Bitcoin rising in price has zero to do with debt. Bitcoin has zero debt. It is a 100% backed asset. It is like gold

Digital is digital ...why it is called electronic currency then?

Thank you for presenting this information. I will be looking into the whitepaper you mentioned--very interesting.

thanks for the attention.

National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology
Cryptology Division 18 June 1996

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