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RE: Bitcoin Price Update: BTC SMASHES BACK THRU the $3969 $USD mark today - Sept. 25th 2017! | Total Crypto Market Cap Gains $7.5B Overnight- $137B. | A Fun Post Filled with Hockey Themed GIF's for ya, EH?!!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

With more govs like china and Denmark (as I've heard) putting the squeeze on cyrpto or outright moving to ban it, I can only imagine it becoming more valuable. Government tyranny is a pure evil. The freedom and subterfuge offered by crypto will give it close to intrinsic value the world over.


It is a balance btw restricting the supply which is good and deflationary......... and the opposite side which is reducing the liquidity.

  • there is a free market solution in the middle there somewhere.

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