Crypto Lunch - Putting Food on the Table with Blurt!

in #bitcoin2 years ago

You can feed your family - without even identifying yourself - using nothing but an internet connection, some original content, and a mailing address! Here's how I'm able to do it, in just 15 straightforward steps!

I started a project called Crypto Lunch back in the Hive days. Even with community involvement, we could not find a private and decentralized way to turn blog payouts into a meal! The following pathway uses free and anonymous services to fully complete the Crypto Lunch mission. Starting with nothing, you can use blockchain technology to generate funds and pay for things you need in your daily life!

1.) If you don't already have one you want to use for this, create a new email account on a service like Protonmail:

2.) If you don't already have one you want to use for this, create a new Blurt account and earn with your content. See my post here for detailed instructions.

3.) If you don't already have one you want to use for this, create a new Hive account. See my post here for detailed instructions.

4.) Log in to your Blurt wallet using the "private active key" from step 2, click Transfer, and send any amount of BLURT to account "blurt-swap" with memo "SWAP.BLURT xxxxxx", where xxxxxx is your Blurt account name.

5.) Log in to Hive-Engine using your Hive keys from step 3. You may be required to add the password manager Hive KeyChain to your browser. Within minutes of completing step 4, the BLURT will appear in Hive-Engine, minus a 0.75% fee.

6.) Click the Transfer icon to enter the "SWAP.BLURT" market page. Trade some BLURT for HIVE.

7.) Click the Transfer icon to enter the "SWAP.BTC" market page. Trade some HIVE for BTC. When you have at least 0.01, proceed to step 8 to withdraw it to a private wallet.

8.) Download and install Atomic or another free low-barrier crypto wallet. Click "New Wallet", write down your 12 digit seed phrase, and keep it somewhere safe.

9.) From the list of available cryptos, select Bitcoin. From the Bitcoin page, click "Copy" to copy your Bitcoin receiving address to clipboard.

10.) On Hive-Engine, click "Withdraw". Select Bitcoin (BTC), enter an amount to withdraw, and paste (CTRL + V) your Bitcoin receiving address into the "Withdraw Address" field. Click the red Withdraw button to send the BTC to your private wallet, minus a 0.75% fee.

11.) Using the email address from step 1, create an account at a gift card retailer that ships to your location. I use CoinCards, but there are many. You can give any name, even a nickname or alias. You can also have your cards shipped to any address you want, so you could use a work address, a friend's place, a private PO box, etc. You can even buy digital gift cards which are sent immediately through email.

12.) Add gift cards you will be able to spend locally to your cart. At checkout, a small fee and postage will be charged. Select "BTCPay" and proceed to their 3rd party payment processor (no signup required). Click to copy the receiving address to clipboard.

13.) On Atomic Wallet's Bitcoin page, click "Send". Paste the receiving address from clipboard, then enter the exact payment amount. You may wish to adjust the "fees per byte" down to the recommended level to reduce costs. Click to confirm the payment.

14.) Within a few days, the gift cards arrive by lettermail at the address you provided, in a plain white envelope, addressed to the name you gave. Spend the gift cards at your local grocery store (or online retailer).

15.) Prepare and enjoy your meal!

How long does it take? Many of the steps are nearly instantaneous, but a few require some patience. Step 2 involves earning BLURT by posting original content, so if you don't have quality material, that could take months. The right content and strategy could do it in weeks or even days. Then there's a delay of a few minutes after steps 4 and 10. Step 6 and 7 could be done slowly for a better exchange rate, but that usually isn't much more efficient than just converting the tokens instantly. And it takes a few days for gift cards to arrive by mail (step 14). In other words, you can have the whole process set up in an hour or so, but it takes time to produce content that generates income.

To research and create this post, I used this process to get myself $300 in food at a local shop. It took a while to earn that much - thank you @squirrelbait for pitching in - but the cards arrived just 2 business days once I made the order.

It seems like a lot of steps, but it's hard to understate the power and independence they represent. Without identifying yourself and without any advanced equipment or training, you can replace most of the banking system, your job, and the government. If done properly, the above steps can become a person's lifestyle, and their way of participating in society. A better world is now within our grasp. And more services/tools are always being developed, so this pathway is only going to get more streamlined.

Blockchain and crypto are empowering people with alternatives to existing ways of earning, saving, and spending. This post is proof Blurt can be part of that revolution.


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